Students Need Mentally Healthy Mind

Students Need Mentally Healthy Mind,第1张

Students Need Mentally Healthy Mind,第2张

Some college students have hidden mental problems. Without parents' immediate help or teachers' adequate guidance, a host of physical and emotional disorders touch them. They suffer from depression, sleep disorders or poor academic performance. Anxious hearts, hopeless minds and even nervous breakdowns chase them.

  Mental health is part of the most valuable wealth students can ever possess. On campus students learn to reason and act with wisdom, with a healthy mind in a healthy body, they can challenge all hardships later in life. Today's competitive world needs more versatile talents (多面手,多才多艺的英才), especially those who are firm willed(意志坚定的) and have confidence in themselves.

  Therefore, all sides concerned (有关各方) should make joint efforts to help students solve their mental problems. Parents, teachers and classmates could encourage them to have a balanced view of life. Students must develop a positive mental attitude and be more optimistic (乐观) about the world. We believe those who have mental health can do great things in the future.

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