Coming Home 归航,第1张

Coming Home 归航,第2张

The ship first appeared as a small speck on the horizon. We had grown impatient at the delay and cheered when we caught sight of it. For most of us this was a important event, because the small object that had come into view was a troopship. Husbands, fathers, brothers and friends were coming home after an absence of four years. We were informed over the microphone that the ship would be in the harbour in about three-quarters of an hour's time. We did not need telling and cheered more loudly that ever.

  The harbour had already witnessed such a colourful spectacle. It was decked out with flags and because the day was warm, we were all wearing gay summer frocks and looking out best for the occasion. The time we waited seemed endless; but little by little the speck took the form of a ship and , in a short time, it came so near that we could make out its name: Candia, printed in large letters on the prow.

  Now the crowd of about five hundred could hardly be held back. People were jumping up and down, waving; and little boys climbed on to stationary vehicles to get a better view. As the tugs piloted the great ship into the harbour, everybody peered eagerly at the troops lined along the railing. Soldiers on board waved to us wildly, shouting out the names of people they recognized or wanted to see. The two young men in the crowd who were holding a big banner with 'Welcome Home!' painted on it almost fell over in their excitement to lift it higher. An old man put his hat on the end of his walking-stick and twirled it round and round until it slipped off and fell into the sea. Women were crying; others laughing; and some did not quite know whether to laugh or cry. Someone called out 'There's your daddy!' and a small boy of four was held high in the air to see his father whom he had never seen before. Now the troops were directly above us. Our excitement had mounted to peak, for soon they would disembark!

  (from Coming Home)

  speck 小点,微点

  troopship 部队运输船

  witness 目睹,见证

  spectacle 场面,景象

  deck out 装饰,打扮

  frock 服装,外衣

  prow 船头

  stationary 静止的,不动的

  tug 拖船

  pilot (给船)领航

  railing 栏杆,扶手

  twirl 使快速旋转

  disembark 下船,登陆

  The Bonfire 欢庆篝火

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