Make the Most of School Days,第1张

Make the Most of School Days,第2张

Almost one-fourth of our lifetime is spent in school.It is alsoa most important period, for in school we are preparing our future and our duty to the community, meanwhile, we make our life-long friends who would be a great help in our future. Therefore, we must see to ourselves that we make the most of the time in school.

  Why do we go to school? Most of us would surely think we go to school in order to be educated, to be a learned man, and to be useful when we complete our studies. Of course, this is true, but I think there is more than that. We go to school, not only to be educated, but to adjust ourselves, for school is a society in miniature (微型)。 Our classmates are of different nature, so we begin to learn human nature early. Thus it enables us to handle relationships between different kinds of people later. A school provides many extracurricular activities (课外活动) , which is a stepping-stone to social life. A school also trains a student to have a clear and sound (健全的) mind .

  While we are in school , we should [can] (1) have more contact with our teachers. Teachers are as human as we are and with a wide range of knowledge which can solve our secret little problems.

  Some of us tend to go to extremities (极端) , either we are too fond of studies and become a bookworm or we are fully occupied by off-campus activities that completely make us forget our studies. The former, doubtlessly, are top pupils at school, but not likely to be successful in their career because they lack the knowledge of human nature, and their range of interests is too narrow. The latter, since they lack essential knowledge, are not likely to succeed, either. Thus, we must stand in the middle ofthese two extremes.

  Let's make lesser [fewer](2) mistakes but have more delightful experiences while in school.

  评 语

  文章在开头就指出:一个人的一辈子有四分之一的时间要在学校度过,这样就聪明地为自己的主题建立起了一个重要的论据:不好好利用这段时间,等于浪费了四分之一的人生。然后,作者从 “我们为何上学”、“我们能在学校学到什么”以及“应该如何学习”等方面论证了“利用好在校的日子”的重要性,全文思路清晰,具有较强的说服力。文中某些语言上的不足之处点评修改如下:



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