Books and Me,第1张

Books and Me,第2张

It's hard to imagine what our lives would be like if there were no books. Books are of benefit to us.

  Mother often tells me [remembers] (1) that I loved books very much when I was a child. And now, I think nothing can let me love them any less, for they have become an important part of my life.

  When I could know [read] ( 2 ) some words and know how to look up a word in a dictionary, I began to read Aesop's Fables, and The Arabian Nights . They taught me a lot of things, such as “Treat your friends as they deserve to be treated,” “Judge things by their true value,” and so on. I'll never forget them.

  One day, when my mother came back from work she found me crying. She was surprised at first, for I was usually so “headstrong” that as if nothing could make me weep even after a punishment from my parents [that nothing seemed to be able to make me weep even after being punished by my parents ] ( 3 ) . “Why are you crying? Did your teacher punish you at school? ”she asked. “No, Mum.” At last I was able to look up with tearful eyes and said:“Jiang Jie (江姐) was killed by the enemy. ” Then Mother noticed that there was a book in my hands.

  As time goes on, books have accompanied me for sixteen years. I have lived very happy [happily] (4) with them.

  Now when I am free, I often go to bookstores to buy some new books that I want very much. I have learned a lot of things from them.

  Books have become good friends of mine and I will never part with them.

  江西省安福浒矿中学高三 张伟

  评 语

  文章用举例法介绍了自己如何与书成了亲密的朋友。英国哲学家 Bacon(培根)曾这样写过:“Reading makes a full man;conference a ready man;and writing an exact man.”历来,有所作为的人都把读书作为人生的一件大事,本文作者能从小养成读书习惯,实在是值得同龄人效仿的。文章中某些语言上的不足之处点评修改如下:

  (1)因为讲“我爱书”,原文用 tells me不够自然,故改之。




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