To My Dear Niece,第1张

To My Dear Niece,第2张

My sister has borne a little girl!”

  What good news! You can imagine how happy I was on hearing the news! And I realized that I must also be a fortunate one[boy] (1), for few people has [have] (2) a chance of becoming a real maternal(母亲方的)uncle these days [when almost every couple gives birth only to one child] (3)。

  The child had already been named before its birth. To name a baby is somehow a difficult thing, because it should not only sound nice, but also express the great hope of the parents. In order to find a good name for their baby, my sister and brother-inlaw first looked up in the dictionary[consulted a dictionary for ideal words] (4), but they failed. Then it occurred to them that the name“Meng Meng”might be a good one. It can be used either for a boy or for a girl; and it also sounds poetic(有诗意的)in Chinese. Now I was only too anxious to see the baby and my sister.

  I was permitted to go to the hospital at last. When I got there, the baby was having a sound sleep. Although my sister looked very pale and tired, she felt happy indeed(judging by her kind look at the baby)。

  “Where is[”May I have a close look at] (5) my niece?“I asked in a low voice.

  My sister pointed to the small bed near her.“Oh, yes, it's there!”

  I tiptoed to the bed. I looked at it carefully and kindly, and touched it gently, for fear of waking up the cherub(胖娃娃)。 Meng Meng was so small, but it had two big eyes(They were closed at the moment as if it hadn't made full preparations to see the world)。 Its skin was smooth and tender, and its pink cheeks made it looked[look] (6) much vivid. And it also had a big nose which I thought was a characteristic of its grandfather.

  But, on the other hand, Meng Meng was a bit dirty. It hadn't taken a bath since its birth, so its hair was in a mess.

  My sister told me that Meng Meng had been sleeping for a long time Maybe she was too tired, or perhaps she was too shy to see its[her](7) uncle because of its[her](8) dirtiness.

  上海交大附中高三(1)班 陈贤

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  (4)根据Longman词典,look up一般用作及物动词,后接要查的内容,如:look up a word in a dictionary,这里没有宾语,不宜用look up,故改之。

  (5)上文已经提到姐姐的目光看着baby,现在又问where is it,显然不够自然,故改之。



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