


李龙帅: 上海新东方学校口译研究中心成员。口译教研组听力课题组组长。中/高级口译听力明星教师。上海交通大学英语语言文学硕士。高级同声翻译。
  本次9.13高口的听译段落,全部来自于高级听力教程第三版。在新东方的口译模考讲评和考前串讲时,还有在新东方春季班和暑假班的课堂上,我提醒过大家要看我的博客的那篇名叫《小绿书》的文章,挑出了高级听力教程里听力翻译未曾考过的重点段落,以做最后冲刺的听力材料用。( http://blog.hjenglish.com/lilongshuai/articles/1112868.html ) 这次考试的其中一段是我点出的重点段落中的一段。另一段来自于课堂精讲的一篇Spot Dictation(05.3), 并也在听力教程中出现。08年上过新东方高口听力课的同学,对这两段段应该印象深刻。
  这两段一段来自于P347-P348页第2段,另一段来自于P340. 所以希望大家对高口听力教程(第三版)要绝对重视。
  1. Perhaps most of us would fly into a rage when hearing that we're similar to a monkey. But in fact, we do share many fundamental characteristics with a monkey. From the point of view of evolution, men originated millions of years ago from the anthropoid, a species commonly referred to as the ape man. Besides, the resemblance of the social organizational pattern between man and monkey is conspicuous. Men are gregarious and generally live in groups, and monkeys also live, play and act together and are led by a monkey king, which has an absolute authority over the other monkeys.
  2. There are different kinds of social relationships. These include relationships with spouses, close friends, siblings and work colleagues as well as relationships between work subordinates and their superiors. Sociologists have done a series of investigations in different countries in the world. These researchers discovered five universal rules that apply to over a half of all these relationships. One, respect the other's privacy. Two, look the other person in the eye during conversation. Three, do not discuss what has been said in confidence with the other person. Four, do not criticize the other person publically. Five, repay debts, favors or compliments no matter how small.

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