


  Susan: Oh, I'd like you to meet my sister-in-law Marilyn. Marilyn Stewart, this is Harry Bennett.
  Harry: Pleased to meet you.
  Marilyn: Nice to meet you, Harry.
  Harry:Are we too late for our dinner reservation?
  Susan: No, the restaurant will hold our table. I know the owner very well. I eat there a lot.
  Harry: Do you know the phone number of the restaurant? I'd like to call home and leave the number with the baby-sitter.
  Susan: Sure.
  Harry: Hello? Hi, Michelle. It's Daddy. Can I speak to Betty? I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant…… Hi, Betty. I'll be at five five five……seventeen twenty. Ok, thanks!Well, that's done. Shall we go?

  Susan: 噢,我来向你介绍我嫂子Marilyn.Marilyn Stewart,这是Harry Bennett.
  Harry: 很高兴见到你。
  Marilyn: 我也很高兴见到你,Harry.
  Harry: 我们会不会错过晚餐订位的时间?
  Susan: 不会,餐厅会保留我们的席位。我和老板很熟。我在那儿吃过好多次。
  Harry: 知道那家餐厅的电话号码么?我想打电话回家把餐厅的电话告诉临时保姆。
  Susan: 没问题。
  Harry: 喂? 嗨,Michelle.是爸爸。我能跟Betty说话吗?我要留餐厅的电话号码给她……好,Betty.我的电话号码是555-1720.好的,谢谢。好了,打完了。我们可以走了吗?

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