


Singaporeans are by and large unconcerned, unaware and uninterested in terrorism-related issues, according to a recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Defence. The poll also revealed that Singaporeans might not be psychologically prepared to deal with the fallout of a terrorist attack on the country.

  The findings are hardly surprising considering that many Singaporeans have always displayed a couldn't-care-less attitude towards national and global affairs. Nothing short of a bomb explosion in their homes will wake these Singaporeans up to the gravity of the threat we face.

  Such surveys are necessary in that they show Singaporeans up to be rather ill-prepared psychologically. Many will doubtless be thrown into panic should a disaster strike.

  True, we have always expressed a sense of patriotism on National Day and carried out civil defence exercises in an orderly manner “duing peace time”。 But we will only know just how far we will go in showing our love for our country when we are put to the test.

  There is an old Chinese saying that “only sturdy grass can withstand strong winds”。 “A Song of True Spirit”, which is the best-known writing of Chinese patriot Wen Tianxiang during the Song dynasty, also contains an oft-quoted phrase that “a man's true qualities are revealed only in times of adversity”。

  The weakness in our psychological defence is something we must take seriously. What forms the basis of psychological defence? It is the deep sense of affection we feel for the country and an equally strong sense of duty to protect it.

  However, if everyone is only concerned about “what can the country do for me?” and not “what I can do for the country?” or if everyone is asking “I love the country, but does the country love me?”, then I think our psychological defence is far from impenetrable and we should also take the display of peace-time patriotism with a pinch of salt.

  A sense of duty or obligation is the most reliable premise upon which loyalty to the country and psychological defence can be developed and strengthened. The love for our country and the willingness to defend it should never be motivated by material gains.

  Perhaps Singaporeans ought to ask themselves these soul-searching questions: Do you feel for Singapore because it has given you high status and a good income to match and many chances to get rich? When such opportunities are no longer available, would you still feel the same and would you fight to safeguard Singapore if war broke out?

  In Chinese history, patriots such as Qu Yuan and Dr Sun Yat Sen were not loyal to the country because they had been given a cosy life. On the contrary, the country only brought them humiliation and suffering.

  However, we have for a long time been used to measuring one's achievements and social status by means of wealth and many are ready to “forsake good for the sake of gold”。 To them, citizenship is like a piece of clothing that can be changed anytime.

  The inadequate sense of psychological defence is also demonstrated by Singaporeans' general indifference towards politics - they do not care about what happens here and in the world.

  People usually adopt one of three types of attitudes towards politics. Firstly, they are unhappy with existing circumstances and the people in power and will push for change.

  Secondly, they are comfortable with the status quo and will respond to any calls from the leadership which they trust. Thirdly, they are not completely satisfied but have no intention of rising against the authorities either. Basically, they belong to the “bo chap” category. The last two groups are generally unconcerned about politics, even if they are concerned, they are unlikely to be galvanised into action.

  We should obviously eschew political fanaticism. We have seen how people in some countries will take to the street for the slightest reason. Some demonstrators will sometimes even vent their anger by burning cars and foreign embassies. In the end, the government has to apologise and use taxpayers' money to pay for the damage.

  Political apathy is equally undesirable. When the people are panic-stricken when caught off-guard in a crisis, can they be counted on to protect the country?

  From the facts detailed in the government White Paper on terrorism, it is clear that Singapore is not spared from threats. But since they have been taken care of by our capable government, many will continue to feel that we are in safe hands and there is little to fear.

  For a small and affluent country like Singapore, the lack of a sense of crisis among its people is perhaps the biggest crisis for us.

  (The writer is an Executive Sub-editor of Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.)















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