Some post,第1张

Some post,第2张

Looking at the just-concluded General Election as a veteran Member of Parliament who had given way for new blood, my feelings were rather different from when I was a candidate myself. When you were in the thick of a election campaign - fighting tooth and nail with your opponent and canvassing for voter support - it was easy to lose sight of changes in the big picture. This time round, I was able to take a more detached view.

  As I see it, the loose alliance of some opposition parties was a far cry from the ruling People's Action Party's well-thought-out and highly flexible gameplan. Even on Nomination Day itself, it was clear that the line-up from the opposition could hardly pose a serious challenge to the PAP.

  The PAP had long done its calculation, or what was called “miao suan” (in ancient times, before going to battles, meetings must be held in a temple to map out the war plans and assess the chances of a victory or defeat) and knew what it had to do to secure a victory. The opposition, on the other hand, was represented by a motley group of people, a loose alliance and also lacked unity.

  The ruling party had obviously taken into consideration the timing and feelings of the people. In addition to the re-drawing of electoral boundaries and the calling of a snap election, it did away with the four-member Group Representation Constituencies to provide for mega constituencies - the five or six-member GRCs - a move that sent the opposition into disarray.

  The PAP had its finger on the pulse of every constituency and was able to fine-tune its strategies with ease. For instance, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong gave the initial impression that he was not keen on wrestling Potong Pasir and Hougang back from the opposition, thus lowered the guard of their incumbents.

  But with an opportunity created by Chee Soon Juan halfway through the hustings, he changed tactics and started wooing voters in the two opposition strongholds. That put Chiam See Tong and Low Thia Khiang on the defensive.

  Meanwhile, Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew visited Nee Soon East to perform a “surgery” for the single-member constituency. The ward was like a patient suffering from acute appendicitis, but was back in the pink of health immediately after the “operation”。 The result: the expected close fight fizzled out and it ceased to be a hot spot.

  The strategies employed by the PAP were executed superbly. The small number of opposition candidates and constituencies contested was also a key reason why the PAP was able to display its political skills with finesse.

  The September 11 tragedy and the recession worked to the advantage of the PAP, but the “by-election effect” did not materialise for the opposition. The reason was simple: There were few credible candidates in the opposition camp. In other words, the quality of the candidates was the decisive factor.

  The PAP might have scored a landslide victory with a higher percentage of valid votes, but it still failed to win back Potong Pasir and Hougang. And though the share of valid votes for Mr Chiam and Mr Low both saw a drop, the fact that they managed to retain their seats in spite of the unfavourable conditions was already quite a feat.

  Their triumphs also proved the importance of having capable candidates. They are both considered competent by voters and they had also proven themselves capable of delivering. In spite of the lure of upgrading, voters chose to give the two opposition MPs a fair chance. This showed that they were not only rational but were also “loyal”。

  (The writer is a former MP for Marine Parade GRC.Translated by Yap Gee Poh)

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