

Renowned French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984) hits the nail on the head when he wrote in his book “The Birth of the Clinic” that a doctor is not able to look at the various physical signs in a patient and immediately know what disease the patient is suffering from. He can only do his best to give an assessment and diagnosis based on his “clinical gaze”。

  Yet by virtue of his exalted status, the doctor is endowed with much power over his patients. In Foucault's view, a clinic is a place where knowledge is power.

  Let's not go into the complex details of Foucault's theory.

  Recent reports of unrelated incidents of unethical medical practices here are enough to set us thinking.

  The first case that comes to mind is a clinical research project by the National Neuroscience Institute on Parkinson's disease which was accused of breaching rules of ethics.

  The researcher conducted drug testing on 127 Parkinson's patients without their informed consent. Worse still, some patients experienced a drop in blood pressure, difficulty in moving and discomfort.

  In another incident, a dental surgeon at an NTUC Denticare clinic refused to attend to a Tan Tock Seng Hospital executive.

  These episodes may, in a way, well serve as examples of the negative consequences of the knowledge-power relationship elaborated by Foucault.

  We can point the finger at the researcher and dentist for lacking in professional ethics or even question whether they subscribe to these ethics at all in the first place.

  We can also accuse the dental surgeon of being unsympathetic and the researcher of being unscrupulous for selfish reasons. They have both failed in their duty.

  As I see it, their conduct is just a manifestation of the preoccupation of modern medicine with the development of scientific knowledge and equipment which inadvertently or otherwise, overlooks the importance of human elements.

  This is not suggesting that the present health care system should be rejected or abolished. There is, however, a need to be mindful of the shortcomings in this man-made and highly-institutionalised system in order to improve it.

  An over-emphasis on scientific knowledge, modernisation, equipment and high technology may blind us to the fundamental fact that the system is created to serve human needs.

  Ignore this and we are likely to see unethical conduct similar to the cases mentioned earlier repeat itself.

  The research project may have good scientific and medical reasons. Still, the manner in which it was carried out was objectionable - the researcher was experimenting with precious human lives.

  The dentist could argue that he acted in the interests of the majority of patients. But there is no denying that he has forgotten that his duty as a doctor is to help patients who are in need regardless of race, occupation, political affiliation or the fact that they may have diseases other than the one they seek treatment for.

  Without this strong sense of duty, behaviour like selfishness (turning away patients) and avoidance (the recent untimely resignations of some Taiwanese doctors) will become inevitable.

  Doctors should not be equipped only with the knowledge and skills required of the profession, they should always bear in mind the need to care for and feel a sense of compassion for patients.

  Of course, doctors are only human and are not spared from unpleasant feelings and the ups and downs in life.

  Patients also need to be understanding, reasonable, and cooperative for a healthy doctor-patient relationship to develop.

  。The writer is a PhD candidate at NUS. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.












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