

Look me in the eyes.
  当一个人说谎的时候,眼神会出卖他,通常说谎的人说话时不敢正视别人,眼珠转来转去, 当你怀疑他在撒谎的时候,你可叫他Look me in the eyes (看着我的眼睛)即是‘别对我说谎’的意思。也可直接说:Be honest (要诚实) / Tell me the truth (告诉我真相) 。
  对 话
  Wife: Where have you been? I've been up half the night waiting for you.
  Husband: I was stuck in a very long meeting all night, honest.
  Wife: Look me in the eyes and say that again.
  Husband: ( Puts on sunglasses) I was stuck in a very long meeting all night.
  妻子:看着我的眼睛再说一次。   丈夫:(拿下太阳眼镜)我整晚都在冗长的会议里。
  丈夫深夜回家,声言I was stuck in a meeting, honest(我忙着开会,没有骗你)。妻子叫他Look me in the eyes and say that again.(望着我的眼睛再说一次)。
  孟子说:‘听其言也,观其眸子,人焉廋(藏匿)哉?’西方人要看对方诚不诚实,也会说Look me in the eyes。英文常用look someone (straight/right) in the eye/eyes表示无愧或无惧,而cannot look someone in the eye/eyes则是尴尬或有愧于心的表现,那eye/eyes改为face也可以,例如:(1) “I'm telling the truth,” he said, looking me straight in the eye/face(他望着我的眼睛说: ‘我说的是真话。’)(2) “I didn't break the window pane,” the little boy mumbled, but failed to look me in the eyes.(那小男孩不敢望着我的眼睛,嗫嗫嚅嚅的说:‘我没有打破窗玻璃。’)
  有时,两人瞪着对方,不先眨眼或收回目光的算是占了上风,这叫做to outstare someone,例如:It is easy to outstare him, but not to outwit him.(和他斗瞪眼,胜他不难;和他斗智,要取胜可不容易)。Wit是‘智能’,out作前缀(prefix),意思是‘胜过’。
  留意I was stuck in a meeting, honest一语。口头上,honest这个字常用来强调所言不假,也作honest to God,例如:(1) Honest (to God)! I was ill yesterday.(真的,我昨天病倒了)。(2) I haven't got another woman, honest (to God) I haven't.(我没有另一个女人,真的没有)。

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