

It's hard to make a living.
  打工族常抱怨谋生艰难,赚到的钱只够养活自己,英文可以说:It's hard to make a living. (很难赚到维持生计的钱),或者说:It's hard to earn a living,而收入平衡支出,英文可以说:to make ends meet,如果只能糊口,英文可以说:living hand-to-mouth。
  对 话
  Kate: Are you enjoying living in Asia?
  Lisa: Yes, but I'll tell you one thing, it's hard to make a living.
  Kate: You must be kidding. This area is booming and there are jobs aplenty. You have a university degree don't you? Then what's the problem?
  Lisa: My degree is in ancient Egyptian archeology with a minor in South American tribal languages. My phone doesn't ring a lot with job offers.
  凯伊说亚洲经济蓬勃: There are jobs aplenty.(有大量职位空缺) 。但莉萨所习学科不切实际,所以说谋生很不容易:It's hard to make a living。
  Aplenty一字多见于口语,意思是‘很多’,习惯用在名词之后,等于in plenty,例如:(1)With money aplenty/in plenty, he does not have to work.(他很有钱,不必工作) 。(2)There are workers aplenty/in plenty.(劳工市场僧多粥少)。留意aplenty修饰可数(countable noun)或不可数名词(uncountable noun)都可以。
  谋生困难,可以说It is hard to make/earn/get/gain a living.或It is hard to make/earn/get/gain a livelihood. Living/livelihood都是说‘生计’,例如: I have to work for a living/livelihood.(我要工作维持生计)。
  说生活艰难,英文还有一个常用说法:to eke out a living/livelihood。这eke必须和out连用,例如:He eked out a living as a salesman.(他做售货员,勉强维持生计)。‘勉强维持生计’还可说to scrape along 或to scrape by,例如:I have to scrape along on a meager salary.(我靠微薄的薪水勉强维持生计)。Meager是‘贫乏’或‘瘦削’,例如a meager living(贫困的生活)、a cancer patient's meager body(癌症患者羸弱的身体)。
  To live from hand to mouth或to live hand-to-mouth则是‘家无隔宿粮’的形象化说法,指现赚现吃,例如:Nobody fancies leading a hand-to-mouth existence.(没有人喜欢朝挣暮食的困苦生活)。

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