

1. Act as a catalyst: cause a change or an event to happen.促使变化

  Example: One speaker's questions acted as a catalyst to set off new trains of thought.

  2. Act for/on behalf of someone: do something for someone.代……做某事


  (1) Mary will act for David in his absence.

  (2) The lawyer is acting on behalf of his client.

  3. Act high and mighty: act proudly and powerfully. 行为高傲

  Example: If Su had not acted high and mighty, she would have had more friends.

  4. Act in bad faith: act dishonestly. 行为不诚实

  Example: We don't like that man, who often acts in bad faith.

  5. Bear someone no ill will: there is no unkind feeling towards someone. 对某人无恶意

  Example: Although I didn't agree with him, I bore him no ill will.

  6. Bear the brunt of something: suffer the heaviest part of something, such as attack, etc. 承受某事物正面的冲撞

  Example: Do you have to bear the brunt of her anger for no reason?

  7. Bear up: keep up courage, strength, etc. under adversity or affliction.在困境中不气馁


  (1) Irene is bearing up well despite her continual misfortunes.

  (2) How are you today? -Not very well, but managing to bear up.

  8. Care about something: think that something is important. 理会某事

  Example: Some people today don't care about saving money for future use.

  9. Care for someone/something:

  (i) look after someone/something. 照顾

  Example: Who will care for you when you are old?

  (ii) like (in negative sentences or questions). 喜爱


  (1) Would you care for some more beer?

  (2) I don't really care for beer.

  10. Care killed a cat: care is a load on the mind, so try not to worry.忧能伤身

  Example: If care killed a cat, which has nine lives, it would kill any human being, who has only one life.

  11. Careful/careless with/about something: cautious/unconcerned about something.小心;粗心


  (1) You should be more careful with your money next time.

  (2) Are your other family members careless with money, too?

  12.Deep (down): in one's true nature; feeling strongly.在心底


  (1) Deep in the boy's mind, he knew he was wrong.

  (2) Jack seems unfriendly, but deep down, he is very nice.

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