

1.Act on/upon someone/something:

  (i) do something according to someone's advice, instructions, etc. 根据劝告或指示行事

  Example: You won't be wrong if you act on his instructions.

  (ii) have an effect on someone/something. 对……发生作用

  Examples: 1. This medicine doesn't act on him at all. 2. Certain acids act upon metals.

  2.Act out:

  (i) show an idea, etc. by your looks, talk, etc.表演

  Example:The children are acting out a story they have read.

  (ii) put something into action. 付诸行动

  Example:As an idealist, Betty tried to act out her ideals somehow or other.

  3.Act out of duty: do what one ought to do, not because what one wants to do. 做份内事

  Example:The head of a department generally acts out of duty. He has no time to do more than that.

  4.Bear with someone/something: be patient with someone/something. 容忍

  Example: If you can just bear with me for a few minutes, I will be able to answer your question.

  5.Bear witness to something: prove something. 证明

  Example: Jason's latest book bears witness to his writing ability and versatility.

  6.Beard the lion in his den: face someone strong openly or boldly. 入狮穴捋狮须(喻公然走访某强人)

  Example:The rascal is in his office, so let's go in and beard the lion in his den.

  7.Carp/cavil at someone/something:

  find fault with small errors. 挑剔;吹毛求疵


  1. Janet is always carping at unimportant matters.

  2. It is no good carping at the disobedient boy about his behaviour.

  3. Why is he cavilling at your minor faults?

  8.Carried away: be controlled by one's feelings. 失去自制

  Example: Nancy was much carried away while she was arguing with her husband about a misunderstanding.

  9.Carrot-and-stick: the hope of re-ward and the threat of punishment. 胡萝卜加大棒(喻软硬兼施)

  Example: To a large extent, a student has benefited from the carrot-and-stick approach of teaching.

  10.Defeat one's purpose: undo an intended purpose or effect. 达不到自己的目的

  Example: If you follow that undertain method,you risk losing the support and defeating your purpose.

  11.Defer to something: act according to the opinion of someone or because of something. 遵从


  1. I will be glad to defer to your good advice.

  2. I am pleased to defer to your rich ex-perience in this matter.

  12.Deficient in something: not enough of something. 缺乏

  Example:Such food is deficient in vitamins.

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