

1. Act up to something: act according to one's principles,etc. 根据原则等行事

  Example: Mr Lin claims to have high principles, but he doesn't always act up to his proclaimed ethics.

  2. Actions speak louder than words: what we do is more important than what we say. 行动胜于语言

  Example: To prove that he is an honest person, Jim behaved himself. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. Adapt oneself to something: make oneself suitable for something. 适应于

  Example: When you go to a foreign land, you must adapt yourself to the new customs there.

  4. Beat a (hasty)retreat: go away in a hurry. 仓皇撤退;匆匆走开

  Example: When the rascals saw the policeman, they beat a retreat.

  5. Beat about the bush:(in the negative)go round a subject instead of coming directly to the point. 拐弯抹角地说。

  Example: If you have anything to say, go straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush.

  6. Beat down (a price): lower the price by bargaining. 降低某物价格

  Example: Since $30 is too expensive, you can beat down the price as you wish.

  7. Carry all / everything before someone: be completely successful.完全成功

  Examples: 1. In school, Sam carried all before him.

  2.The soldiers carried everything before them and gained the control of the place.

  8. Defraud someone of something:deceive someone so as to get or keep something wrongly or illegally. 从某人处骗取某物

  Example: The cashier defrauded the boss of thousands of dollars.

  9. Defuse a situation:make the situation less harmful or dangerous. 缓和危急局面。

  Example: The police chief succeeded in defusing the situation before any real trouble started.

  10. Defy someone to do something: challenge someone to do something. 激某人做不愿做的事

  Example: Since you are a brave man, I defy you to fight that bully.

  11. Eat away something:destroy something by chemical action. 腐蚀

  Example:The acid has eaten away the metal bit by bit.

  12. Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die: We should enjoy ourselves while we can because life is uncertain. 生命无常应自我享受

  Example: Life is full of imponderables. Hence, let's eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

  13. Eat humble pie: be more respectful or apologetic than one has been before. 赔礼

  Example: If his wife excused herself, would he not make her eat humble pie again?

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