自食其力 zìshí-qílì[earn one's own living;live on one's own labour] 凭自己的劳动养活自己离开这个国家…在英国自食其力
不劳而获 bùláo’érhuò[profit by other people's toil;reap without sowing] 不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权他们在这里过着不劳而获,穷奢极欲的生活
寄人篱下 jìrénlíxià[live under another’s roof;live on dependence of sb.;be (live) under sb's subjugation (thumb);rely on sb. for support;have one's feet (kness,legs) under sb's mahogamy] 比喻依附别人,不能自立
劳而无功 láo’érwúgōng[bay the moon;work hard but to no avail;accomplish little; fool's errand; milk the bull; preach to the winds wash a blackamor white] 费了力气但没收到成效与不可,强不能,告不知,谓之劳而无功。——《管子·形势》
火中取栗 huǒzhōng-qǔlì[be a cat’s paw;pull sb's chestnut out of the fire] 出自法国作家拉·封登的寓言。说是炉中烤着栗子。猴子叫猫去偷,猫不但没有吃到栗子,反而把脚上的毛烧掉了。比喻被人利用,担了风险,吃了苦头,却没有捞到任何好处
自力更生 zìlì-gēngshēng[regeneration through one's own efforts;self-reliance] 更生:重新获得生命,比喻兴建事业。形容靠自己的力量从事建设或解决问题
不劳而获 bùláo’érhuò[profit by other people's toil;reap without sowing] 不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权他们在这里过着不劳而获,穷奢极欲的生活
坐收渔利 zuòshōu-yúlì[reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; profit from others’ conflict; reap third party profit] 比喻利用别人之间的矛盾而获得利益
词语拼音:zuò xiǎng qí chéng
自食其力 zìshí-qílì[earn one's own living;live on one's own labour] 凭自己的劳动养活自己离开这个国家…在英国自食其力
不劳而获 bùláo’érhuò[profit by other people's toil;reap without sowing] 不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权他们在这里过着不劳而获,穷奢极欲的生活
寄人篱下 jìrénlíxià[live under another’s roof;live on dependence of sb.;be (live) under sb's subjugation (thumb);rely on sb. for support;have one's feet (kness,legs) under sb's mahogamy] 比喻依附别人,不能自立
劳而无功 láo’érwúgōng[bay the moon;work hard but to no avail;accomplish little; fool's errand; milk the bull; preach to the winds wash a blackamor white] 费了力气但没收到成效与不可,强不能,告不知,谓之劳而无功。——《管子·形势》
火中取栗 huǒzhōng-qǔlì[be a cat’s paw;pull sb's chestnut out of the fire] 出自法国作家拉·封登的寓言。说是炉中烤着栗子。猴子叫猫去偷,猫不但没有吃到栗子,反而把脚上的毛烧掉了。比喻被人利用,担了风险,吃了苦头,却没有捞到任何好处
自力更生 zìlì-gēngshēng[regeneration through one's own efforts;self-reliance] 更生:重新获得生命,比喻兴建事业。形容靠自己的力量从事建设或解决问题
不劳而获 bùláo’érhuò[profit by other people's toil;reap without sowing] 不要花费自己的劳力而取得占有权他们在这里过着不劳而获,穷奢极欲的生活
坐收渔利 zuòshōu-yúlì[reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger; profit from others’ conflict; reap third party profit] 比喻利用别人之间的矛盾而获得利益
词语拼音:zuò xiǎng qí chéng
坐享其成 zuòxiǎng-qíchéng
[sit idle and enjoy the fruits of other’s work; reap where one has not sown] 自己不劳动,只是坐着受用他人辛劳的收获