Action English (246),第1张

Action English (246),第2张

Demi Moore 黛米.摩尔


  American slang 美国俚语

  剧中:Knock it off , Julie .

  knock it off 住手,不要再做某事

  e.g. Your music is too loud , I can't hear myself think, knock it off .


  Classic film clips 经典对白

  1.剧中:I don't like people barking orders at me .

  bark : 大嚷大叫 <也可以用bark out, 后面用at表示对象>

  <1> I never want to be in the Army , The people there always bark commands at me.
  <2>The student was so angry that he barked out an insult at the teacher.

  2.come again 再讲一遍

  A:Can you give me Jessica's phone number .
  B:Come again ? I didn't hear you , The reception on my phone is terrible .


  Movie Tunes 原声碟

  Sway 选自《黑暗城市》

  When the rumba rhythm start to play
  Dance with me, make me sway
  like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
  Hold me close
  sway me more
  like a flower bending in the breeze

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