

(1) About average

  — no better or no worse than others.

  — 符合一般水平

  Example: Some staff's performance is about average. They have never proved better.

  (2) About time

  — the appropriate time.

  — 差不多到时候了

  Example: You have been working for quite a while. It's about time you had a new car.

  (3) About to

  — ready to

  — 即将;正要

  Example: We were about to go out when it suddenly rained.

  (4) Back to back

  — with the back facing the other.

  — 背靠背

  Example: Stand back to back, boys! Let me see who is the tallest.

  (5) Back to front

  — with the back placed where the front should be.

  — 前后颠倒

  Example: You got your pullover on back to front.

  — thoroughly

  — 透彻地

  Example: All the people here know the government's major policies back to front.

  (6) Back up someone/something

  — support someone/something.

  — 支持某人/某事

  Example: ① No matter how, we should back up our most respected representative.

  ② Some new evidence backed up the prosecutor's argument.

  (7) Call on/upon someone

  — visit someone

  — 访问某人

  Example: When are we going to call on our new neighbours?

  (8) Call on/upon someone to do something

  — invite someone to speak, etc.

  — 邀请

  Example: Without further ado, let me call upon our distinguished guest to speak to us.

  — appeal to someone to act.

  — 恳求;促使

  Example: In times of difficulties, we will have to call on the public to make donations.

  (9) Call out someone

  — order officially.

  — 召唤

  Example: During the riot, the chief of police had to call out the riot police to restore law and order.

  (10) Damp(en) something down

  — make a fire burn less strongly.

  — 使火燃烧缓慢下来

  Example: It was a moonlit night, so the campers dampened down the fire.

  — control and reduce something; suppress something.

  — 抑制;减弱

  Example: ① Some boys were over-zealous and we had to damp down their enthusiasm.

  ② Lack of support has damped down political dissidents' activities.

  (11) Dance attendance on/upon someone

  — do what someone wants without asking.

  — 侍候某人,听其差遣

  Example: The manageress sat still, expecting everyone to dance attendance on her.

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