

1. Date back to/from a certain time:

  go back to a certain time 自某时代至今


  (1) The history of our club dates back to 1960.

  (2) These traditional customs date from the time when we were very small.

  2. Daub with something:

  cover with something soft and sticky 涂抹


  After being in the kitchen for the whole afternoon, Mother's apron is now daubed with cooking oil and condiments.

  3. Dawn on/upon someone:

  (used with the subject "it") become suddenly clear to someone 突然明白


  (1) It dawned on me what he had really meant when he used that analogy.

  (2) It dawned upon us that such a dialogue came from a small Chinese town.

  4. Half the world knows not how the other half lives:

  people of one social class are often ignorant of the problems of those of another class 这类人不知另一类人 的生活方式


  People in some poor countries have not enough to eat, but many of us here have leftovers to throw away. Half the world knows not how the other half lives.

  5. Hammer out something :

  (i) decide on a scheme after a long discussion or argument 竭力做某事


  Let's get together to hammer out the required new scheme.

  (ii) remove something by hammering 用锤敲去某物 Example:

  Please get a mechanic to hammer out the dent on the right side of this car.

  6. Impose on someone :

  ask someone to do something which he should not be asked to do; bother someone 使人为难


  I hope I am not imposing on you by asking you to answer the door.

  7. Impoverish someone/something of someone/something else:

  take something good away from someone/something 使某人贫困;使某事不妙


  The government is paying attention to the problem of emigration, which is gradually impoverishing the country of capable people.

  8. Impress someone with something:

  make someone realise the importance of something 使某人对某事印象深刻


  Our teachers impress us with the need for mutual help.

  9. Impress something on/upon someone:

  make the importance of something clear to someone 使某人深深意识到某事物


  Our leaders in different fields impressed the value of hard work on us.

  10. Join with someone:

  do the same thing as someone彼此一起


  Will all of you join with me in drinking a toast to the bride and the bridegroom?

  11. Joint efforts:

  combined efforts共同的努力


  Our team won the match through the joint efforts of the coach and the players.

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