

选址 choose site for



  An official with the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) said, the most palpable site for the new international airport would be south to the city on either south or north bank of the Yongding River, which divides Beijing and bordering Hebei Province, the oversea-edition People's Daily reported.

  The CAAC official said the administration researched and analyzed air traffic, geographic conditions and ground transport layouts in areas which are chosen as candidates." If we put the new jumbo airport in the southern suburbs," the official said, "it will construct a tripod of air transport hubs together with the existing Beijing Capital International Airport and the big airport in Tianjin."

  “北京第二个国际机场选址的方向主要还是北京南面,选址区域是永定河南北两岸。永定河正好是北京的界河,在河的北边是北京市,南边是河北省。从空域来讲,北京南部正好和首都机场、天津构成一个'品'字形。” 永定河位于北京的西南部,他们是从民航的角度、空域的角度和机场的整体布局来考虑首都第二个机场的选址的,国家民航总局一位专业人士告诉《人民日报-海外版》。

  选址为 “choose site for” ; 为新机场选址为 “choose…as site for the new international airport”。


  大型机场 jumbo airport

  地面布局 ground transport layouts

  品字形空中交通枢纽 a tripod of air transport hubs

  运输能力 transportation capacity

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