

There are a few assumptions that I want to make right off the bat:

  The time management problem is not limited to IT professionals by any means. But IT professionals have a bigger challenge since technologies and the skills required to compete in the marketplace change rapidly.


  It is a myth that you can manage time. You can only manage yourself.


  What you really need to focus on is “leverage” — how to get the most out of your time rather than how many “things” you can get done within a specified time.


  No, I am not going to talk about how best to use your “To Do” lists or how to get the best digital organizer in town. I know you will figure that out yourself. I want to talk about the thinking and approach that comes before all these techniques and tactics.

  Before Making Commitments

  The genesis of time management problems is the commitments you make to others.

  Before you make another promise today, just think about all the other promises that you have already made and see if you are stretching yourself too thin.


  For instance, your manager may say something like “Can you take a look at this proposal by this evening and give me your comments?” That particular task may take only two hours and it may seem like a request easy to fulfill.

  However, if you look at all the deliverables that were due today (based on promises made yesterday or last week), this may still be a stretch on your time. If that is the case, you may need to negotiate and re-prioritize to set the right expectations on this or the other deliverables.

  The Promise to Yourself

  While you are stretching on your job, things are falling through the cracks in your personal life. The biggest excuse? “No time.”

  For example: You want to read one good book a month, but a few months pass by and you have not completed a single book. The reason? Project deadlines, go-live, travel, etc.


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