

Giving One's Life for Righteousness


  To sacrifice oneself for a just cause.


  In the Spring and Autumn Period there lived a martial hero named Yu Rang. When his patron, Zhi Bo, was killed by Zhao Xiangzi, Yu Rang swore to avenge him. Gaining employment as a servant in the household of Zhao Xiangzi, his identity was discovered before he had a chance to assassinate Zhao. His intended victim, however, was moved by Yu Rang's loyalty to his late master and set him free, despite Yu Rang's admission that he would still try to kill him.






  Returning home, Yu Rang cut off his eyebrows and beard, and swallowed burning charcoal to hoarsen his throat, in order to escape recognition both in appearance and voice. Some of his friends suggested, "Would it not be easier if you pretended to switch allegiance to Zhao Xiangzi and then killed him when he was off his guard?" Indignantly, Yu Rang replied, " How could a righteous man do such a thing?"

  One day Yu Rang hid under a bridge on a route that he knew Zhao Xiangxi was to take. But when the latter's carnage drew near the bridge the horses began to neigh in fear. A search soon found Yu Rang under the bridge, and he was hauled out by Zhao Xiangzi's men. Zhao said to him: "I admire your devotion to your late master, but this time I really cannot pardon you." Yu Rang replied, "I thank Your Excellency for your kindness. But I have one last request. Please take off your coat and let me thrust my sword through it three times, so that I can satisfy myself that I have avenged my ex-master. Then I can die contented." Zhao Xiangzi was touched by Yu Rang's sincerity, and took off his coat. Thereupon, Yu Rang thrust his sword through it three times before cutting his own throat.


  这一天,豫让得知赵襄子外出办事,他就预先埋伏在桥下,赵襄子来到桥边,马匹突然惊叫起来。赵襄子命人到处搜查,在桥下把豫让抓了出来。赵襄子说:“你舍生取义,确实令人尊敬。但这次我不能饶恕你了!”豫让说:“多谢赵公厚义,但我临死前请求你能把外袍脱下来,让我刺三剑,偿我为主复仇的意愿。我死而无怨了。”赵襄子见他这样忠诚,大为感动,便脱下外袍。豫让刺了外袍之后,自刎而亡。 豫让甘愿舍弃生命,也要完成道义的行为,便成了“舍生取义”的成语。

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