

When French Philosopher and writer Sartre Jean-Paul died in 1980, tens of thousands of people, many of whom were just ordinary Parisians, showed up to bid a final farewell to him.

  They knew who Sartre Jean-Paul was and understood what France had lost.

  When dramatist Kuo Pao Kun died on Sept 10, friends who were close to him turned their grief into touching words to remember him and tributes poured in from many places.

  But who can truly give an accurate account of the spiritual journey of Kuo Pao Kun, and the value of the thoughts and cultural legacy that he left behind for Singapore and the world? Or, in short, tell Singaporeans who Kuo Pao Kun really was?

  In a sense, Chinese intellectuals in Singapore with whom Kuo Pao Kun shared the same fate in the early years are best-placed to do so. However, after they were beaten and their intellectual and ideological struggles were shattered, many of Kuo Pao Kun's contemporaries either retreated into oblivion or channelled their energy into making money and achieving fame.

  What process of reflection did Kuo Pao Kun go through to make him cut the umbilical cord and rise from the ashes? Where did he get his new source of mental strength to set off again all alone? How did he raise the old struggle into the pursuit of a new ideal that transcends ideology?

  Kuo Pao Kun was an artist blessed with the qualities of a thinker. Every piece of his work, never mind if it was successful or otherwise, was an intellectual challenge and an expression of his experience with life. His foresight was manifested in many initiatives to boost the growth of culture, such as bringing in new forms of theatre, directing a foreign production, seeking and promoting the formation of a global Chinese theatre circle and establishing unique theatre training and research courses.

  If we do not have a good grasp of his life as an artist, the reasons for his choices, or the language of art which is the premise of his works, how can we feel close to, and benefit from, a cultural soul that has so much to offer?

  Kuo Pao Kun was the first master dramatist in Singapore's history. What Singapore has lost, however, is not only an accomplished artist, but also a rare intellectual who believed in humanity.

  Said Chinese scholar Chen Sihe: “The spirit of humanity can only grow in dialogue or even in disagreement with the times. Any so-called academic pursuit that is detached from the times will be reduced to mere technical research activities.”

  Added scholar Zhu Xueqin: “Scholars who seek only answers for the past are, well, just scholars, only scholars who insist on seeking answers for the here and now are truly scholars with a sense of humanity.”

  Kuo Pao Kun could have opted to rest comfortably on a bed, but he chose to stand. To stand tall in a society where many are obsessed with a comfortable life and pleasure-seeking is tougher than in a land where people are suffering. While there are many “soulless” people here, Kuo Pao Kun stuck stubbornly to his humanistic ideals and was always questioning and seeking “answers for the here and now”。 His last play, Aesop Queried speaks volumes about this persistence to “query” which has made his life shine.

  What was Kuo Pao Kun's query and what was his answer? If even the intellectuals today are unable or unwilling to recognise his many contributions, how can we blame the man in the street for being ignorant? How can we pin our hopes on the next generation to know Kuo Pao Kun as a gem and to carry on his spirit?

  What great humanists need most are not honours and accolades but being understood by the people. Outstanding people like the Russians have nurtured spiritual giants such as Chernyshevsky NG and Herzen Aleksandr who drew their strength from the humanistic ideals and conscience of the entire people. The two were fortunate.

  Was Kuo Pao Kun ever as fortunate?

  When Hongkongers ask: “Why isn't there a Kuo Pao Kun in Hongkong?” Singaporeans are wondering: “Will Singapore have another Kuo Pao Kun?”

  But if we are not even ready to probe deeper for an understanding of Kuo Pao Kun's spiritual resources, cognitive ability and moral courage, do we deserve another Kuo Pao Kun?

  (The writer is an Executive Sub-editor of Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh)
















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