



  “本课程系统讲授邓小平理论科学体系的基本内容,深入分析邓小平理论的思想精髓和科学内容,阐明邓小平理论的历史地位和指导意义,阐明建设有中国特色社会主义的路线、方针和政策,帮助学生提高对高举邓小平伟大旗帜的认识水平,提高建设有中国特色社会主义道路的自觉性,提高以邓小平理论为指导研究分析我国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设理论和实践问题的能力。// 邓小平理论概论讲授的重点内容是邓小平社会主义初级阶段理论,邓小平理论的精髓,邓小平社会主义本质和根本任务的理论,邓小平社会主义改革理论,邓小平外交和对外开放理论,邓小平一国两制和祖国统一理论,邓小平社会主义市场经济理论,邓小平社会主义现代化建设的发展战略理论,邓小平社会主义民主与法制理论,邓小平社会主义精神文明建设理论,邓小平社会主义建设的领导;力量和依靠力量理论等。// 课堂教学要求努力贯彻理论与实际相结合、历史与现实相结合的原则,力求科学严谨、生动有效。”





  2.邓小平理论概论讲授的重点内容 (将顺序安排作些必要的调整,增强逻辑性)















  This course involves examination of Marx's economic theory, concentrating on the theories and value and surplus value, the theory of accumulation, the theory of money and circulation, and the concept of socialism, consideration of some selected work of later Marxist economists and discussion of some criticisms of the Marxist theory.


  the fundamentals of the scientific framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory

  the essential thinking and scientific substance

  the historical impact and guiding significance

  the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism

  the attitude towards holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping

  the initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics

  the ability to apply … to the study of the theoretical and practical dimensions of …

  the initial stage of socialism

  the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory

  the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism

  the reform of socialism

  the socialist market economy

  the development strategy of the modernization program

  the enhancement of democracy and the rule of law

  the strengthening the vitality of civilization

  the leading core and buttress force

  the diplomatic and opening policies

  the "one country-two systems" and the reunification of the motherland

  cross reference between theory and practice and between history and reality scientifically sound and interestingly effective


  Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory

  This course involves the examination of the fundamentals of the systematic framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the exploration of the essential thinking and scientific substance of the theory, the consideration of its historical impact and guiding significance, and the discussion of this theory regarding the line, policy and strategy for building China-specific socialism. The course aims to heighten the awareness of the students for holding high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping, to enhance their initiative for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to increase their ability to apply the theory to the study of the theoretical and empirical implications of the socialist reforms and open policies and the modernization program.

  The subjects to be expounded in this course will be the pith and marrow of Deng Xiaoping Theory, concentrating on such aspects as concepts of the initial stage of socialism, the essence and fundamental tasks of socialism, the socialist reforms, the socialist market economy, the development strategy of the modernization program and the leading core and buttress force for building socialism. The course also touches on Deng Xiaoping's directives on the strengthening of democracy and the rule of law and the vitality of civilization, the guidelines on foreign affairs and the open policy and the concept of reunification of the motherland in the "one country-two system" context.

  The lectures, which are intended to be scientifically sound and interestingly effective, will feature cross-references between theory and practice and between history and reality.

  此译文在传达原意的前提下,还照顾到了三个方面:1. 避免重复,控制句子的长度,便于阅读;2. 调整布局,理顺思路,长句拆分,使结构上眉目清楚;3. 尽量运用一些符合英语习惯的表达方法,使译文的可读性提高,这样才能取得更好的宣传效果。这种有框架、分步骤的翻译方法,其特点是眉目清楚、统揽全局;这样按部就班、一步一个脚印地翻译,可以限度地避免错误和遗漏,从而保证翻译的质量和效果。这个翻译过程包含了相当大的创作成分。这个译文对于原文来说,可以说是“青出于蓝胜于蓝”了。

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