


12. My camera can be ______ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny
   A. treated B. adjusted C. adopted D. remedied
   treat 对待
   ill-treated 虐待
   treat on me 我付钱
   remedy 治疗疾病的良方,成功解决问题的方法
   solution 解答方式,解决方法
   The problem defies solution 这个问题很难解决
   recipe 菜谱,秘诀,处方
   ambiguous 模糊的,模棱两可的
   13. His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be
   wasteful in the utilization of these resources.
   A.resort B. grant C. afford D. entitle
   afford 负担,承担
   resort (to) v.诉诸于,求助于 n.度假胜地
   grant 同意,补助,津贴
   TA. 助教
   RA. 助研
   entitle 取名,授权
   enrich 使富足
   enlarge 扩大
   strengthen 加强,巩固
   entitle sb to sth 授权
   moron 低能者
   idiot 白痴
   mountebank 江湖骗子,江湖术士
   bullshit 胡说
   ass 笨人
   14. What were your _______ wages last year?
   A. entire B. aggregate C. complete D. terse
   aggregate 合计,总计
   congregate 集合
   complete 完全的
   deplete 耗尽,弄空
   complement 补偿,弥补,补充
   compliment 赞美,称赞
   supplement 补充,弥补
   replenish 补充
   terse 简洁的
   concise 简洁的,简明的
   precise 精确的
   excise 切除,切掉
   15. I should like to rent a house, modern comfortable and ______
   in a quiet neighborhood.
   A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all
   above all 首先,尤其是
   all in all 总之一切,总的来说
   after all 毕竟,终究(有轻微的转折关系)
   over all 总的,遍及
   overall 工作服
   16. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given
   traveling _____.
   A. income B. allowance C. wages D. pay
   wage n.周工资
   allowance 津贴,补助,许可
   pay v.付款,n.工资

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