大学英语四级考试考前强化辅导词汇结构 4

大学英语四级考试考前强化辅导词汇结构 4,第1张

大学英语四级考试考前强化辅导词汇结构 4,第2张

Unit 4
1. Our company decided to_______ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met.
A) destroy B) refuse C) assume D) cancel
2. She is_________ a musician than her brother.
A) much of B) much as C) more of D) more as
3. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe__________ by the judge.
A) service B) sentence C) crime D) crisis
4.___________ nonsense the newspaper print, some people always believe it.
A) What B) That C) Whatever D) Whichever
5. The residents, __________ had been damaged by the flood, were given held by the Red Cross.
A) all their homes B) all whose homes
C) all of whose homes D) all of their homes
6. You can't take to let the situation get worse___________.
A) decisions B) directions C) sides D) steps
7. This book should be within the_________ of anyone who has studied French for three years.
A) possession B) qualification
C) performance D) competence
8. A completely new situation is likely to__________ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.
A) rise B) raise
C) arise D) happen
9. I said I wouldn't do it, but___________ I think I will. .
A) on the other hand B) on the whole
C) on the contrary D) on second thoughts
10. Occasionally we experience westerly gales, but the __________ winds are from the north-east.
A) existing B) general
C) prevailing D) special
11. Throughout most of their lives, human beings _________ learn and increase their menta1 capacities.
A) perpetually B) particularly
C) actually D) finally
12. You can't__________ to let the situation get worse, you must take steps to put it right.
A) bear B) charge
C) afford D) be responsible
13. Most people traveling in the course of their work are given traveling __________.
A) income B) wages C) allowance D) pay
14. _________ all that she had a good sense of direction, she couldn't find out the primary school where she used to study 40 years ago in the urban traffic map.
A) At B) For C) In D) On
15. The village's wealth comes chiefly from its many__________.
A) herd of cattle B) herd of cattles
C) herds of cattle D) herds of cattles
16. But for electricity, the whole world __________.
A) would not have developed so rapidly
B) had not developed so rapidly
C) did not develop so rapidly
D) has not been developed so rapidly
17. Whoever has real skills and knowledge should be properly treated and rewarded ________ his educational background.
A) despite of B) regardless of
C) let alone D) on account of
18. There is no point _______ the job as you are not properly qualified.
A) to apply for B) in applying for.
C) by applying for D) having applied for
19. It was very kind of you to repair the bike, but you _________ it.
A) wouldn't have done B) mightn't have done
C) mustn't have done D) didn't have to do
20. Enough attention must be paid ________ all the details so that you can have a detailed understanding of all points.
A) on B) to C) of D) by
21. The area of the city is about _________that of this one.
A) four times as much as
B) as four times big as
C) as four times large as
D) four times as big as
22. Very few experts could ________ with completely new solutions to the world’s economic problems.
A) come to B) come up C) come across D) come by
23. I had to pick my children up from school, so I was ________ to leave the meeting early.
A) faced B) compel
C) obliged D) having
24. Hesitate, _________ the chance is gone.
A) then B) when C) and D) but
25. __________ water is to fish, _________ air is to man.
A) What, that B)That, what
C) As, as D)So, so
26. The old man went on his work _________ all the warnings about a danger of his work.
A) in case of B) because of
C) regardless of D) prior to
27. The _________ cause of laying off skilled workers in the factory was bad management.
A) negative B) positive
C) faithful D) prime
28. She has a strong Chinese ___________ to her English.
A) pronunciation B) intonation
C) accent D) dialect
29. Homework ____________ on time will lead to be better grades.
A) done B) be done
C) having done D) to have been done
30. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants _________ wild.
A) that once grew B) once they grew
C) they grew once D) once grew
1. To them he was __________ beach-comber in constant need of money, remarkable only for the peculiarity that he painted pictures which seemed to them absurd.
A) not more than B) no more than
C) little more than D) few more than
2 .The captain apologized ___________ to tell us more about the accident.
A) to be unable B) for to be unable
C) for being unable D) that he was unable
3. A woman's identity is __________ herself as a person.
A) what she thinks of B) what does she think of
C) what she does think D) does she think of what
4. Tokyo has a larger population ____________ in the world.
A) than any city B) than any other city
C) than any cities D) than all other city
5. I enjoy traveling _______ I don't have to drive too far.
A) lest B) unless C) but D) if
6. __________ might be expected, the response to the question was very mixed.
A) As B) That C) It D) What

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