

p.a per annum (per year) 每年
  P.A particular average 单独海损

  Para paragraph 段落

  payt payment 支付

  P.B.A. paid by agent 代理人支付

  P & D pick up and delivery 接运和支付

  P. & I. Protection and Indemnity Association 保赔协会

  P. & I. Clause Protection and indemnity clause 保赔条款

  P. & L. profit and loss 损益表

  P/C Paramount Clause 首要条款

  PC Part cargo 部分货物

  p.c.f. pounds per cubic foot ………磅/每英尺

  pct percent 每百,百分之

  P.chgs. Particular charges 特别费用

  pd. Paid 已付的

  p.D. partial delivery 零批交货

  PDPR Per day pro rata 每天按比例

  p.h.d. per hatch per day 每天每个舱口

  pkg package 件

  P/L partial loss 部分损失

  PLP parcel post 邮件

  PLS Please 请

  PLTC port liner term charges 港口班轮条款费用

  PM Premium 保险费

  PMT Per metric ton 每公吨

  pmt prompt 迅速的

  P/N promissory note 期票

  P/O purchase order 订单

  P.O.B. post office box 邮政箱

  P.O.D. payment on delivery; paid on delivery 交货时付款

  POD port of discharge 卸货港

  POL port of loading 装货港

  pp/ppd prepaid/prepaid 预先付讫的

  PPT Prompt 即刻

  p.t. per ton 每吨

  ptly pd partly paid 部分已支付

  p.t.w. per ton weight 每重量吨

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