


(166)Not only… but (also)


  2.连接两个句子,not only 后用倒装

  例句:Not only the teacher but also the students are all interested in the movie

  Not only the students but also the teacher is interested in the movie.

  Not only should we learn English but we should learn it well.

  (167)In one's opinion 在… 看来

  例句:In my opinion, smoking should be banned in public places.

  (168)Operate on 做手术

  (169)Or 和 unless

  例句:Get out of the bed, or you'll be late for the train.(否则)

  You'll be late for the train unless you get out of the bed immediately.(除非)

  (170)In order to/that 为了

  (171)Origin 起源,血缘

  (172)Ought to do sth 应该

  (173)Overcome a difficult 克服困难

  (174)Play a part in =play a role in 起作用

  take part in=participate in 参加

  (175)In particular 特别地

  (176)Take place=happen 发 take the place of 代替,取代

  In place/out of place 适合的,恰当的/不适合的,不恰当的

  (177)Plenty of 许多,大量 ~ ~ water ~ ~ books

  (178)Postpone=put off 推迟

  (179)Prefer 更喜欢 prefer to do/doing

  prefer doing sth to doing sth

  prefer to do sth rather than do sth

  (180)Prepare for make preparations for 准备

  (181)At present 目前,当前

  (182)Prevent … from… keep… from…。

  (183)Take pride in=be proud of 引以为傲

  (184)Make progress 取得进步

  (185)Pull down 拆除

  (186)Put on 穿上 put away 收好,放好 put up with

  (187)Out of the question 不可能 out of question 没有问题

  例句:Your suggestion is out of the question since we don't have enough hands.

  (188)Rather than 而不是 other than 除了

  (189)Regret/ remember/forget to do 遗憾/记得/忘了要做…。

  doing 做过

  (190)Remind 使…想起,使…。记起 remind…。of…。 Occur 想起

  例句:The picture often reminds her of the five years she spent in the village.

  It occurred to me suddenly that I had left my keys at home.

  (191)As a result(of) 因此(因为)

  例句:As a result of his persistence(毅力),he succeeded in completing his study.

  (192)Regard/view/think of…as… consider…。(to be)…。 把…。 看作

  例句:The students all regard him as their friend.

  (193)Rob sb of sth抢了… steal sb sth 偷…。

  (194)Run into 撞上 run out (of)=use up 用完,耗尽

  例句:My car has run out of gas.

  I used up my money for this month in half a month.

  (195)For the sake of 为了

  例句:He did all this for the sake of you.

  (196)The same …as 一样

  例句:She wears the same skirt as yesterday.

  (197)See off 送行 see through 看穿,识破

  (198)In a sense in a way 某种意义上 to a extent/degree 一定程度上

  例句:In a sense, what he said is important.

  I agree with you to some extent.

  (199)Sensible 理智的 sensitive 敏感的

  (200)Set off 出发 set up=establish 建立

  (201)Be short of=lack 缺乏

  (202)At first sight 乍一看 catch sight of 看见

  (203)Be similar to 与…相似

  (204)So so as to do 为了 so that 为了

  例句:They told me to visit her and I did so.

  (205)Sometime 改天,将来某一时刻 sometimes 有时,间或

  (206)As soon as 一……就… sooner or later 迟早

  (207)Source 源头,起源 resource 资源

  (208)Stand=put up with=bear=endure=tolerate 忍受

  (209)Stick to 坚持

  例句:I stick to my opinion.

  (210)Subject to 遭受

  例句:The family is subjected to the loss of their son.

  (211)Be superior to 好于,优于

  例句:The moon cakes produced by their factory are superior to ours

  (212)Do your suppose=do you think be supposed to do 应该做…

  (213)Take apart拆开 take off 起飞 take up占领,从事 take over接管

  (214)At the same time同时 from time to time不时地 on time准时

  In time 及时 take one's time别着急 once upon a time 从前

  (215)Come true 实现

  例句:His dream of becoming an electronic engineer came true.

  (216)Take turns 轮流 in turn轮流,反过来 turn down 拒绝

  Turn on/off 开/关 turn out 生产,结果是

  例句:We usually take turns while waiting for the bus.

  The help we give to others will in turn give ourselves pleasure.

  The party turned out to be a great success.

  (217)Until/till 到…才

  (218)Put…to use 使用,利用 make use of =take advantage of利用

  use up 用完

  (219)A variety of = all kinds of 许多,各种各样

  例句:There are a large variety of books for you to choose from.

  (220)Warm up 热身

  (221)By the way 顺便问一下 by way of 以…。方式

  in a way某种意义上 make one's way 走,挤

  (222)While 在…时候,而,尽管

  例句:There is nowhere for him to use his money, while I have no money to use.

  While there are many difficulties, we are confident to carry out the plan.

  (223)Will 意志,遗言

  (224)In other words 换句话说,即 in a word 总而言之

  keep one's word遵守诺言

  (225)Work out 算出,理解,明白 put forward 提出

  例句:He didn't work out the last question in the exam.

  He put forward a solution to the problem at the meeting.

  (226)Be worth doing be worthy of doing 值得

  例句:The novel is worth reading.

  The issue(问题)is worthy of considering.

  (227)Yet 多用于否定,疑问句中,放在动词后

  still 可用于肯定,疑问句中,亦可在否定句中;

  在be 后,但在其它动词前

  例句:He hasn't finished his breakfast yet.

  He doesn't understand yet.

  She still doesn't understand

  He is still in bed.

  (228)Leave sth some where 把… 忘在…

  例句:He had left his text books in the classroom.

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