


699.seek for/after寻找, 追求, 探索

  700.seek to do sth. 尝试,试图;企图

  701.seem to do sth. 似乎是,仿佛

  702.sell out 售完

  703.send for 派人去叫,

  704.send up 把…往上送;发射

  705.send away派遣, 驱逐, 解雇

  706.sense of humor幽默感

  707.make sense . 有意义

  708.make sense of搞清……的意思

  709.make sentences with 用…造句

  710.sentence sb. to death. 宣判某人死刑

  711.separate A from B使A和B分离

  712.separate into分成

  713.serve for充当, 用作

  714.a set of 一套…

  715.set off 出发,动身

  716.set out 出发,着手

  717.set up 建立,创立

  718.set down 放下,记下

  719.set a good example树立榜样

  720.set aside留出,

  721.set free释放

  722.settle down定居, 专心于

  723.settle up付清, 了结

  724.shake hands握手

  725.shape into . 形成

  726.shape up成形, 形成, 顺利发展

  727.share in分享, 分担

  728.a sheet of (薄而大的)一片

  729.shoot at向……射击, 力争

  730.shopping center购物中心,商店区

  731.go shopping 去购物

  732.for short简称,简略之

  733.in short简而言之,总而言之

  734.run short (of)用光;用尽;不够

  735.short cut捷径

  736.short of 短缺

  737.shoulder to shoulder肩并肩;团结一致

  738.on show 展览

  739.show off 炫耀,夸耀;卖弄

  740.show up出席;出现;到场

  741.show sb. around带某人到处参观

  742.shut down关闭(工厂)

  743.shut up住口;停止谈话

  744.sick leave病假

  745.by the side of 在…的旁边

  746.side by side 肩并肩地

  747.in sight可见,看得见;

  748.out of sight看不到,不被看到

  749.sign language手语

  750.in silence鸦雀无声

  751.be similar to sth. 与…相似

  752.sit by . 袖手旁观, 无动于衷

  753.sit up late深夜不睡

  754.go to sleep入睡,睡着

  755.get to sleep(常用于否定句)入睡,睡着

  756.slow down (使)慢下来

  757.smile at sb. 对某人微笑

  758.so… that…如此…以至

  759.so that 以便, 以致

  760.so far迄今为止

  761.so long as只要

  762.so as to如此……以致于

  763.some day有朝一日

  764.as soon as 一…就

  765.sooner or later 迟早

  766.no sooner…… than刚…就

  767.sorry for sth. 抱歉,遗憾

  768.a sort of稍稍地;有几分

  769.sort out整理;分类

  770.in space 在空间

  771.speak out毫不犹豫地说;畅所欲言

  772.speak up大点声说

  773.speak for itself不言而喻

  774.speak highly of赞扬

  775.speak of谈及, 说到

  776.speak volumes for充分说明

  777.make a speech 发表演说

  778.at …speed 以…速度

  779.speed up 加速

  780.spend time doing sth. 花时间做某事

  781.spend money on sth. 花钱买某物

  782.have sports 进行体育活动

  783.spread abroad传播

  784.spread out展开

  785.stand for代表;意指;象征

  786.stand out明显; 突出;杰出

  787.stand in a line排队

  788.standard of living 生活水平

  789.stare at 凝视, 盯住

  790.start doing sth. 开始做

  791.start to do sth. 开始做

  792.to start with首先,第一

  793.start for动身去

  794.start off出发, 开始

  795.railway station 火车站

  796.stay up 熬夜

  797.stick to 粘住, 坚持

  798.stick out伸出

  799.stop doing sth. 停止做某事

  800.stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

  801.stop to do sth. 停止某事而去做另一件是

  802.in store存储着;预备着

  803.department store百货公司

  804.straight away马上

  805.be strict with对…严格要求

  806.on strike在罢工

  807.struggle for为……努力

  808.succeed in doing sth. 在……方面成功

  809.such as 例如

  810.out of sudden 突然

  811.suffer from 忍受, 遭受

  812.a suit of 一套衣服

  813.be suitable for适合……的

  814.under the sun天下, 究竟

  815.at sunset 日落时分, 在黄昏

  816.have supper 吃晚饭

  817.supply A with B以B提供A

  818.in short supply短缺

  819.support sb. to do sth. 支持某人做某事

  820.be sure to do sth. 一定要做某事

  821.make sure 务必, 务请

  822.be sure of sth. 确信某事

  823.in surprise 惊奇地

  824.sweep away一扫而空

  825.have a swim 游泳

  826.at the table 坐在桌旁

  827.take a walk/rest 散步/休息

  828.take away 拿走

  829.take down 拿下

  830.take off 脱下; (飞机)起飞

  831.take out 取出

  832.take food/medicine 吃

  833.take the train/a boat/ a bus 乘坐

  834.take a message for 写留言

  835.take the place of 代替

  836.take place 发生

  837.take after相似

  838.take on雇用;聘用

  839.take to喜欢

  840.take up开始从事;专注于

  841.take a chance冒险

  842.take a seat坐下

  843.take advantage of利用

  844.take care of照顾

  845.take it easy从容, 不紧张, 轻松

  846.take it for granted视为当然

  847.take one‘s time从容不迫

  848.take part in参与, 参加

  849.take pleasure in乐于

  850.take turns轮流, 依次

  851.have a talk 做报告, 谈话

  852.talk about 谈论

  853.talk of 谈到,说起

  854.talk about谈论,议论,讨论

  855.talk over商量,彻底地考虑(问题)

  856.tear up撕碎

  857.tell sb. about sth. 把某事告诉某人

  858.tell A from B区分A与B

  859.tell a lie 说谎

  860.tell the truth说实话

  861.tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

  862.have a temperature发烧 (= run a temperature)

  863.take sb.'s temperature量(某人的)体温

  864.tens of thousands 好几万

  865.in the long term从长远的观点看

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