


  Questions 19-33
  Read the introduction below to a book about relationships at work.
  Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.
  For each question (19-33), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
  There is an example at the beginning, (0).
  Managing a career on the way up is quite different from managing one at the (0) ....C... of an organisation. Individuals on the way up have.to build relationships with the people they (19) to. They usually have to (20) with subordinates in addition to people at the same level as themselves. The most senior staff only have those under them to relate to. This book (21) the idea that all working relationships, including the relationship with one's boss, can and should be managed.
  You do not have to be (22) than your manager in order to manage the relationship. Nor do you have to be better than your manager in any (23) Your manager may well be your career (24) and guide: he or she may have taught you almost everything you know about your (25) of business - and may continue to teach you more. You may be planning to remain under his or her guidance in the future. None of these (26) should alter your relationship with your manager or (27) you off 'managing upwards'. I use this phrase to (28) to the management of one's boss because, for many people on the way up, it is the first relationship they have to get right.
  You can, of course, get on at work just by (29) positively to your manager, but that is not likely to be the most successful way to (30) your working life. An active policy of managing upwards will make you more successful and, at the same time, make the business of going to work more enjoyable. It can also be a way to show (31) to your manager for the efforts he or she has made on your (32) Finally, managing upwards will make it easier for your manager to manage you, leaving him or her more time for other (33) and tasks.
  19 A notify B inform C account D report
  20 A unite B ,contact C handle D deal
  21 A promotes B presses C advertises D convinces
  22 A clearer B deeper C smarter D fuller
  23 A respect B fashion C part D means
  24 A leader B supporter C adviser D helper
  25 A course B line C path D route
  26 A factors B aspects C causes D topics
  27 A put B see C keep D take
  28 A specify B identify C indicate D refer
  29 A giving B operating C reacting D co-operating
  30 A run B forward C move D make
  31 A appraisal B value C appreciation D regard
  32 A advantage B benefit C side D behalf
  33 A posts B roles C positions D acts

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