


Lesson 76 Looking for the Prefect Man 寻找完美的男人


  diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的

  diversified adj. 多样化的

  diversify vt. 使多样化

  diversion n. 转向,转移;消遣,娱乐

  diversity n. 差异,多样

  divert vt. 转移,使转向

  divest v. 卸下,脱下(衣服);剥夺

  divide vt. 划分,分开;分裂

  dividing line 分界线

  divorce vt. 离婚

  divulge v. 泄露(秘密),透露

  dizzy adj. 眩晕的

  docile adj. 驯服的,温顺的

  doctrine n. 教义,教旨

  document vt. 证明;文件记载

  documentary adj. 文件的 n. 纪录片

  documentation n. 文件

  dodge v. 闪开,躲避,逃避责任

  dogged adj. 顽强的,固执的

  dogma n. 教条,教义

  dogmatic adj. 武断的,教条的,固执己见的

  “I want someone who has diverse interests,” stated Sally. “I don’t really care about intelligence, or whether he’s able to recite doctrines of any kind. I think diversity is the key to an interesting relationship.”

  “That makes sense,” said Mary. “However, I’m more interested in whether he has diversified his investments. I draw a diving line between poor men and rich men. A wealthy man with a diversified investment portfolio satisfies my need for financial security.”

  “Be sure that he shows you the documentation for his investments,” said Jane with a laugh. “And make certain that he divides the investments with you in advance so that he can’t divest you when you divorce him! If you ask what I want, I would love to have a super hero. He has to be brave enough to challenge political and religious dogma. He also must be fast enough to dodge a

speeding car, strong enough to divert a flowing river, yet docile enough for me to control. ”

  “You want a man who is strong enough to cause the diversion of a river?” asked Susan with a giggle. “I suppose that’s possible. I think it has been documented once by a TV documentary, but I think the guy was using a bulldozer. As for me, I’d be happy if he was strong enough not to get dizzy on a merry-go-round. Actually, I want someone with dogged honesty who is willing to divulge his deepest secrets. Communications is the solution to most relationship problems. I don’t like dogmatic people who expect you to accept everything they say without explanation”

  “Well, aren’t we lucky?” asked Sally. “We don’t have to complete! We are all chasing after a different kind of man!”

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白度搜_经验知识百科全书 » 08年8.5第76期托福英语学习:托福词汇76




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