


Before you write your personal statement, consider the following guidelines:

  The statement must be well-written, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. (结构)

  The statement must be grammatically correct and vividly written. It must be personal. It is your opportunity to express your commitments, challenges, and values through your own personal story. (个性化的)

  Do not describe activities that the admissions committee can learn about from the application. Use this opportunity to give NEW information that is not available anywhere else. Think about the decision process you experienced while making the commitment to pursue the goal for which you are applying (a career in medicine or law, or the goal of your scholarship)。 Have there been formative events, people, or experiences along the way? Is there a story you could tell to explain your decision? (考虑一下你作出决策的过程)

  The statement should in some manner answer the question of why this pursuit is for you AND what you can offer the profession in return.

  Avoid gimmiky essays (such as an imaginary trial of an application with a wise jury deciding in the applicant's favor)。 Be careful about using humor as it can be taken differently by different readers. You may come across as arrogant, glib, or silly. (不要随意使用幽默)

  Do not lecture the admissions or selection committee about what you feel is wrong with "the system." Instead, in a positive manner, present your own goals and hopes. (不要带着教训别人的手法)

  Avoid extensive references to childhood or high school experiences. You must convince the admissions committee that you have made a well-informed adult decision to pursue this career or goal. (不要太多谈及童年或者高中)

  If you were to bold and underline every use of "I" in your statement, is that all you would see on the page? While this must be a personal statement, be certain your interest in others comes through. Turn negative experiences into positives by discussing what you have learned and how these challenges will make you better prepared in the future. (将消极的事件写成积极,得到了什么经历等)

  Write a first draft. Do not be so paralyzed by the thought of putting something on paper that your application becomes delayed. Bring the first draft and these guidelines to your appointment with the Writing Center .

  Let others read revised drafts.

  Do some research to keep abreast of issues in health care and law as you prepare your personal statement.

  Additional Resources for Medical School Statements

  更多的技巧Writing Personal Statements Most professional school applications ask for some form of personal statement. The AMCAS personal comments essay allows 5,300 characters, and the statements for most other professional programs are a little shorter. 5300个字符

  Your statement is an important first impression! Most of your readers will be admissions committee members, often professional school faculty. If your GPA and test scores are marginal, your statement may make the difference between whether or not you get an interview. When you do interview, some of your questions will likely be drawn from your essay.第一印象

  A well-written statement can also help recommendation writers, and, with some tuning, can be used to apply for related programs. If you are applying for a related program, e.g., KU Med's Primary Care Summer Mentoring Program, you should probably spend some time discussing the focus of that program, e.g., connections with an under-served community and interest in primary care medicine.如果参加某个项目,应该讨论某个项目的重点

  You will have other places in your application to list your education and courses, volunteer and paid experiences, extracurricular activities, awards and honors, etc. Your statement should therefore become much more than yet another list. The statement gives you an opportunity to integrate, describe, explain, and share the meaning you attach to your activities. There is not one preferred format, but many ways of relating who you are to your interest in becoming a health care professional.

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