


Now let’s do some exercises to consolidate what we have learned about subjunctive mood:
  1. The teacher demanded that the exam ___before eleven.
  a. must finish b. would be finished c. be finished d. must be finished
  2. She made the demand that she ____ at once.
  a. leave b. leaves c. left d. to be left
  3. He is talking so much about America as if he ____ there.
  a. had been b. has been c. was d. been cn
  4. Mother insisted that the child’s hands ___ before dinner.
  a. should wash b. be washed c. would wash d. had washed
  5. The young man insisted that he ___ nothing wrong and ____ free.
  a. did; set b. had done; should be set c. do; be set d. had done; must be set
  6. Mother suggested that I ___ my homework first before watching TV.
  a. did b. do c. shall do d. have done
  7. My suggestion was that the meeting ____ off till next week.
  a. to put b. be put c. should put d. be putting
  8. The suggestion has been made ___the basketball game ___ put off.
  a. for; to b. that; be c. which; should be d. to; being
  9. The commander ordered that the wounded ___ to hospital right away.
  a. to be sent b. be sent c. send d. should send
  10. The order came that the medical suppliers ____ to the village without delay.
  a. would be sent b. should send c. be sent d. must be sent
  11. They requested that he ____ on the radio
  a. spoke b. speaks c. speak d. would speak
  12. It is important that we ___ wild animals.
  a. will protect b. should protect c. shall protect d. are protecting
  13. It is necessary that the problem ____ at once.
  a. solves b. should solve c. should be solved d. will be solved
  14. It is strange that he ____ interest in much of his research.
  a. should have lost b. would lose c. had lost d. will lose
  15. Had you listened to the doctor, you ___ all right now.
  a. are b. were c. would be d. would have been
  16. ___ I be free tomorrow, I could go with you.
  a. Could b. Should c. Might d. Must
  17. ___ to do the work, I should do it some other way.
  a. If were I B. I were c. Were I d. Was I
  18. ___ today, he would get there by Friday.
  a. Would he leave b. Was he leaving c. Were he to leave d. If he leave
  19. ____ your letter, I would have written back two days ago.
  a. If I received b. Should I receive c. Had I received d. If I could have received
  20. ____, he would have passed the exam.
  a. If he were to study b. If he studied hard
  c. Had he studied hard d. Should he study hard
  21. Should it rain, the crops ___.
  a. would be saved b. would have been saved c. will be saved d. had been saved
  22. You ___ earlier. The bus left a moment ago.
  a. would come b. should have come c. may come d. have come

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