

1. Accustomed/used to(doing)something: in the habit of(doing)something.习惯于……


  (1) I am accustomed to getting up early in the morning.

  (2 )After some time, westerners are used to the hot weather here.

  2. Ache for someone/something or ache to do something:

  (i)have a strong desire to do something.渴望得到……


  (1) Though separated, John's heart is aching for his former girl friend.

  (2) She is aching to tell us the good news about her promotion.

  (ii) feel pity for someone.使人感伤

  Example: My heart aches for the unfortunate in many countries.

  3. Aches and pains:

  considerable fatigue, especially in the muscles or joints all over one's body.各种疼痛

  Example: June is still young but has behaved like a woman, continually complaining about aches and pains.

  4. Achilles' heel: the weakest point in a person's character.致命伤

  Example: Insincerity is the Achilles' heel of many people, be they politicians or businessmen.

  5. Base on/upon something: (often in the passive)use something as a foundation.基于……

  Example: Since that report was based on facts, it must be reliable.

  6. Bask in something:

  (i) sit or lie in pleasant warmth.取暖

  Example: The picknickers are lying on the sand, basking in the mild sunshine.

  (ii) enjoy someone's favour.受人赞美、恩惠等

  Example: No joy is greater than basking in the praiseworthy remarks of one's employer and colleagues.

  7. Bathed in/with something: covered with something.沐浴在……;全湿


  (1) Bathed in the morning sunlight, the corn field looks bright like gold.

  (2) Being wrongly scolded, the child's eyes were bathed with tears.

  8. Cannot make head or tail of something/Can make neither head nor tail of something: cannot understand something.不能理解……


  (1) I cannot make head or tail of the policeman's instructions.

  (2) The speaker can make neither head nor tail of the audience's questions.

  9. Can't be bothered: not willing to care about someone/ something.懒得……;嫌麻烦而不为


  (1) Sorry, I can't be bothered to do it now.

  (2) We are busy right now and can't be bothered with all these trifling matters.

  10. Can't bear/stand the sight of someone/something: seriously upset by seeing someone/something.不忍看……


  (1) Ahmad doesn't like to climb up the coconut tree, but he can't bear the sight of others doing it.

  (2) How can you become a doctor if you can't stand the sight of blood?

  11. Deal in something: buy or sell something.买卖

  Example: Many shops along this street deal in fashionable wearing things.

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