

1. Add fuel to the fire/ flames: cause someone to be more angry. 火上加油

  Example: The workers were not satisfied with their wages, and when they were made to work longer hours, the whole matter added fuel to the fire.

  2. Add insult to injury: make matters even worse. 伤害之外又加侮辱(使关系更差)

  Examples: 1. Asking the wounded man to pay for the damage of the car was simply adding insult to injury. 2. Having failed to thank me for my help, Bob complained about my insincere attitude. He added insult to injury.

  3. Add to something: increase something. 加上

  Examples: 1.The rise in food prices has added to the livelihood problems of the poor. 2. Heavy rain added to the difficulties of driving on an unfamiliar road.

  4. Beat someone at his own game:do better than someone in his own field of activity.在某人拿手的方面胜过某人

  Example: Jason won a book prize and beat his rival at his own game.

  5. Beat the drum for someone/something:do everything possible to draw public attention to something for someone. 为某人/某事敲边鼓

  Examples: a. His party's supporters never missed an opportunity to beat the drum for him. b. I know you are now beating the drum for your new product.

  6. Beat up someone: hit someone severely. 毒打某人

  Example:The rude man beat up his wife without any good reason.

  7. Carry forward : (of accounts) move to the next page for further addition. 把总数转记于另一页

  Example: She forgot to carry the total figure forward. so there was a mistake in the calculation.

  8. Carry on (with something): continue (wtih something.) 继续

  Examples:1.It is difficult to carry on a conversation in a crowded place . 2 Please carry on with your work after the tea break.

  9. Carry one's point: succeed in making others to agree with what one has suggested. 说服别人接受自己的观点

  Example: Now that you have carried your point, is there any need for further discussion?

  10. Degenerate into something:become less good or admirable. 衰退、恶化

  Example: The lengthy discussion soon degenerated into an exchange of insults.

  11. Degrade oneself:disgrace oneself. 降低自己身份

  Example: Don't degrade yourself by asking for money all the time.

  12. Delegate (power,rights) to someone: give power, rights, etc. to someone. 把权利等委托给某人

  Example: The captain delegated his supervisory power to his capable assistant.

  13. Eat into something: (i)destroy by chemical action. 腐蚀

  Example: Acid eats into metal. (ii)use or waste gradually. 消耗

  Example: Increasing expenses have eaten into her savings.

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