

1. Deadbeat: exhausted 精疲力尽的


  (a) After the day's hard work, all looked deadbeat.

  (b) The long-distance runners were deadbeat as they reached their destination.

  2. Dead end, a:

  (i) a path or road which has no exit on the other side 没出口的路

  Example: Don't drive into that place; it is a dead end.

  (ii) the stage in one's work that can make no further progress.不能再进展的阶段

  Example: The aircrash investigation has reached a dead end; there is nothing new in the report.

  3. Dead-end job, a: a job with no prospects 无晋升希望的工作

  Example: Such a job is badly paid and has no good prospects. It is a dead-end job, also known as a blind-alley job.

  4. Hand something out to someone:

  give something by hand to someone 把……交给……


  (a) Some boys are handing out leaflets to passers-by.

  (b) Before the lecture, the lecturer handed out lecture notes to his students.

  5. Hand over someone/ something to someone: give a person or send a thing to someone 引渡某人;移交某事


  (a) The shopkeeper handed the petty thief over to the police.

  (b) The old man decided to hand over his business to other family members.

  6. Hand something on (to someone):

  pass something, especially information(to someone) 把消息等转达给某人


  (a) I have some good news to hand on. Don't you want to hear?

  (b) Could you please hand this message on to all the staff concerned?

  7. In a big way: on a large scale. 大规模的


  They plan to organise a concert in a big way.

  8. In a bind/jam: in difficulty or trouble.陷入困境


  (a) After accepting two job offers from two companies, Joseph was in a bind.

  (b) Whenever his research was in a jam, he went to his supervisor for help.

  9. Judging from/by something:

  if one can see something as an indication; considering something 从某事判断


  (a) Judging from the bright sky, there won't be any rain today.

  (b) Judging by their dirty clothes, they must just be back from work.

  10. Judge someone/ something by appearances: base the judgement of someone / something on outside looks以貌取人,从外表看事情


  (a) Don't judge people by appearances, but by their actual performance.

  (b) It is safer to judge a thing by its quality, not by appearances.

  11. Of necessity: logically and necessarily 逻辑上必要地

  Example : University courses must, of necessity, be practical and useful.

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