

(1) Above someone: too difficult for someone to understand. (令人难以理解))

  Example: That speaker's lecture on astronomy seemed to be above the audience.

  (2) Abscond from a place : leave a place unlawfully. (潜逃出某地)

  Example: The prisoner has twice absconded from the prison, but he was re-arrested and imprisoned again not long later.

  (3) Absence makes the heart grow fonder: we have more affection for our friends and relatives when they are away. (不见面令人更怀念)

  Example: Michael used to quarrel with his sister, but he has missed her since she went abroad for further studies. It is a case of 'absence makes the heart grow fonder'.

  (4) Bad for someone : harmful for someone. (对某人有害)

  Example: Smoking may be thrilling, but it is definitely bad for you.

  (5) Bad news travels fast : bad news nearly always reaches us more rapidly than good news. (恶事传千里)

  Example: The news of my neighbours' divorce spreads from one person to another. Bad news travels fast, doesn't it?

  (6) Bad workman always blames his tools, a : a bad workman tries to excuse his ownlack of skills by blaming the tools for poor workmanship. (技术差的工人埋怨工具不好)

  Example: To "I couldn't write well because I had used someone else's pen", your response could be: "A bad workman always blames his tools".

  (7) Cajole/coax someone into/out of (doing) something : persuade someone into/away from (doing) something. (劝诱某人做/不做某事)


  (i) Can the teacher cajole every lazy pupil into greater efforts?

  (ii) Betty tried to coax her father into increasing her pocket money.

  (iii) Please cajole the boys out of their unreasonable demands.

  (iv) We had to coax his boss out of punishing him.

  (8) Calculated risk, a : a possibility of failure that has been estimated before a course of action is taken. (有意尝试的险)

  Example: David took a calculated risk when he bought such expensive equipment from that new company.

  (9) Calculated to do something :planned with the intention of donig something. (计划做某事)


  (i) The new law is calculated to make cheating impossible.

  (ii) Such commercials are calculated to attract the attention of ignorant housewives.

  (10) Call at a place : arrive at a place, usually for a short time and with a special purpose. (停靠某处)

  Example: Some boats called at the port to unload the cargoes.

  (11) Call back (someone) :

  1.return someone a telephone call.(回电)

  Example: Will you call me back later?

  2.pay another visit.(再来拜访)

  Example: If you don't mind, could you call back later?

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