

Today's Offices

  Today's organizations have a variety of office automation hardware and software components at their disposal. The list includes the telephone and computer systems, electronic mail, word processing, desktop publishing,database management system,two-way cable TV, office-to-office satellite broadcasting,on-line database service,and voice recognition and synthesis.Each of these components is intended to automate a task or function that is presently performed manually.Experts agree that the goal can be accomplished when the computer,communication, and office equipment are networked and an office work can easily access the entire system through a personal computer sitting on his or her desk.Then it will be possible to change substantially the way people work in an office.

  What PowerPoint Creates

  On-screen Presentations

  Slides are the images of your presentation. Slides can have titles, text, charts, drawn objects and shapes, as well as clip art, movies, sounds, and visuals you create in other applications.

  As you create slides, use the slide master to design how your presentation will look and to give it a format that carries through from beginning to end.

  35mm slides

  A service bureau can transform your electronic slides into 35mm slides. To have slides made by Genigraphics, use the Genigraphics Wizard and follow the instructions onscreen. Or follow the instructions provided by your service bureau.

  To design slides that are the correct height and width for 35mm-slide output, click Slide Setup on the file menu.

  Word Processing Software

  Word Processing Software such as WORD,WPS etc. is widely used in The office environment to prepare letters and memos. It allows the user to enter data on a keyboard. As the word and letters are entered,they are displayed in the CRT screen and stored in main memory of the personal computer. If necessary,key errors may be corrected;words,sentences,paragraphs,or pages may be added or deleted ; margins can be established; page length can be defined; and many other functions that involve the manipulation of the written word can be performed.

  After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen,it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference. The personal computer as a word processor is rapidly replacing the typewriter and the dedicated word processor in many offices.

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