


Though I like the dress, it doesn’t fit me. 尽管我喜欢那件连衣裙,但穿着不合适。(不说Though the dress is liked by me, I’m not fitted by the dress.)
  We lack manpower at the moment. 我们现在缺少人手。(不说Manpower is lacked by us at the moment.)
  My computer cost me seven hundred and ninety dollars. 我花了790美元买这台计算机。
  She resembles her father. 她像她父亲。(不说her father is resembled by her.)
  I was very well looked after when I was working there. 我在那里工作的时候,得到很好的照顾。
  An overpass is being put up at the corner of the street. 在那条街的拐角处正在建起一个过街天桥。
  Everybody agreed with me. 大家都同意我的意见。(不能说 I was agreed with by everybody.)
  I walked into the house. 我走进房子。(不能说The house was walked into.)
  I broke into the house. 我破门而入那栋房子。(却可以说The house was broken into by me.)
  4、反身代词和each other, one another作宾语时不能变为被动。例如:
  They acknowledged themselves to be defeated. 他们承认他们自己被击败了。
  She praised herself. 她自我表扬。
  He ruined himself. 他毁了自己。考试大论坛
  The police officer shouted his loudest to stop the car. 警官用的声音喊叫,想叫住那辆车。
  The famous actress breathed her last. 那位的女影星咽气了。
  She nodded her approval. 她点头同意。
  I smiled my thanks. 我微笑致谢。
  He wishes to be somebody. 他想成个人物。
  He enjoys taking pictures. 他喜欢摄影。
  Keep silence, please. 请保持安静。
  They usually take a walk after supper. 他们通常晚饭后散步。
  School begins in September. 学校九月份开学。
  The library doesn’t open on Sunday. 图书馆星期天不开放。
  The machine runs well. 这台机器容易操作。
  My pen writes well. 我的钢笔好使。
  The cloth washes well. 这料子耐洗。
  The dictionary sells well. 这词典销路很好。
  The book hardly sells. 这书买不出去。
  The door will not shut/lock. 门关/锁不上。
  Am I to blame? 我该受责备吗?
  The house is to let. 房子要出租。
  The story is interesting to read. 这故事读起来很有趣。
  The film is worth seeing. 这片子值得一看。
  Your shirt needs washing. 你的衬衫该洗了。

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