


  1 to pull no punches

  To pull no punches,这是指毫不保留地告诉别人你的看法。Punch 这个字的一种解释就是拳击。To pull no punches 这个俗语使人脑子里顿时出现一个拳击场里两个拳击手扭成一团,互相攻打对方,而对方设法回避的形像。但是 to pull no punches 这个俗语并不是用在拳击方面的。

  例如:When I saw my brother Joe, I didn't pull any punches——I told him to stop drinking and go out and find a job.



  I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn't give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards.


  2 straight from the horse's mouth

  Straight from the horse's mouth,从字面上来解释它的意思是:直接来自马的嘴巴。可是,这个俗语的真正意思是:你听到的消息是真实可靠的,因为这消息来自可靠的来源。马和消息可靠又有什么关系呢?你要知道,远在人们还没有使用汽车的年代,人们是依靠马作为他们主要的交通工具,认为马是十分可靠的。现在,汽车已经早就代替了马,但是这个俗语仍然被广为使用。

  例如:I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be promoted to manager. The boss told me himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!


  又如:Say, did you hear that Sally and Bob are going to get married. Honest, I'm not joking. I heard it from Bob himself, so it's straight from the horse's mouth!


  3 no holds barred

  No holds barred 这个说法是来自摔跤运动。但是,在人们争论的时候, no holds barred 是指不顾对方的面子和情绪,毫不迟疑地把自己的想法说出来。

  例如:My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage.


  No holds barred 也可以形容政客之间的辩论。

  例如:That TV debate between those two guys running for senator was sure a no holds barred affair. They spent more time saying nasty things about each other than they did talking about their plans.


  4 to let one's hair down

  To let one's hair down 描绘出一幅可爱的画面。过去,西方女子很多都留长头发,出去应酬时把头发盘在头上梳出各种式样来。晚上回家后,她们就把发卡一个个地从头发里拿出来,让头发很自然地披在肩上。To let one's hair down 的实质意思也就是轻松、自然地把心理的话说出来。 To let one's hair down 不一定用于女子,也可以用在男性。

  例如:The president has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people.


  To let one's hair down 也可以用在朋友之间,例如:

  Sally, we've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.


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