

Binary Number System

  In the binary number system, there are two dig-its:0 and I.The binary system is used for internal computer operations because only two signal levels are required, as opposed to decimal where ten signal levels would be necessary.Because a digit in the units position has a value of 0 or I,numbers greater than 1cause a carry to the next position, each position represents the base raised to a power. In base 10, the units position has a power of 100, the next position 10 l,and so on. Thus, a digit in any position other than the units position has a weight (value) depending on its positioning the number. A 4,for example, has a weight of 4 in the units position, 40 in the 10's position, 400 in the100's position and so on.

  In binary, or base 2, the same reasoning applies. The units position has a power of 20, the next position21,and so on. As illustrated in Figure 1-5 a binary digit in any position other than the unit’s position has weight depending on its position in the number. A Has a weight of 1 in the units position, 2 in the 2'sposition, 4 in the 4's position and so on. Binary digits are called bits (a contraction of "binary digits").Therefore, the digit in the units position is called the east-Significant Bit (LSB) ,and so on until we reach the Most-Significant Bit (MSB).




  在二进制中(其基为2)应用同样的类推,个位具有权为2。,下一位具有权为2,等等。如图1-5所示,在任意位置上(除了个位之外)的二进制数字所具有的权,取决于此数字在该数中的位置。1在个位上具有的 为1,在2的位置上权为2,在4的位置上权为4,等等。二进制数字称为比特C bit它由”binary digits”缩写而成)。因此,在个位上的数字被称作“最低有效位”(LSB)等等,一直到我们到达“有效位”(MSB)为止。

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