

——Could you actually make money?


  Darren: I couldn't, probably. My singing voice isn't that good. You could make a little bit of money, definitely, but not proper money. There are some guys in Dublin who are very good and definitely do make money. There's a street called Grafton Street, which is the main shopping street and it's pedestrian. There are a couple of guys there who play Beatle's songs and they've done that for a couple of years. They're really good. They'd usually have maybe fifty people watching them. I think they make quite a bit of money.


  ——In Europe, what kinds of people busk?


  Darren: Well, there are the people who want to do well with a band and they need to make some money ③on the side. Maybe they play in clubs to see if they can get noticed. But this doesn't pay very well. If they're good, they can make some extra money during the day, on the street. There are also some old people who've played all their lives and have retired. They might make a little extra money but they also enjoy it. They do some traditional songs and they are really just doing it as a lifestyle thing. And then there are young lads with guitars who do it for a laugh. They do it because they enjoy it and maybe they can make a few bob. But they usually don't.


  ——Why do you think buskers are so popular in Europe?


  Darren: They are popular if they make good music and a lot of them do make really good music. It's really nice if you are walking down the street and you hear some good music that you haven't expected, it's interesting to stop for a while and watch, and listen to it. A lot of them are at a pretty high standard.



  1 戴润在描述他曾经环游欧洲时,用到了一个词语“backpack”。这个词原是一个名词,意思是“背包”。当它用作动词时,它的意思是“轻装简行”。正如我们在许多城市中可以看到的,有的老外背着一个背包就在中国四处旅游了。这时,你就可以说,他们是在“backpacking around China”。

  2 戴润在描述他曾经环游欧洲时,曾有一个计划,那就是“make the money I needed to get-by, by busking”。这个句子当中用到了一个词“get-by”。这个词在这里的意思是“为旅游而支出的全部费用”。

  3 在访谈中,我们还遇到了一个词组“for a laugh”。它的意思可不是“博得别人一笑”的意思,而是“为了得到乐趣”的意思,相当于“for fun”。

  4 在访谈中,我们可能会对“make a few bob”这个词组感到迷惑不解。其实,这个词组难于理解是因为它用到了一个俚语“bob”。“bob”在英国和爱尔兰有其特定的含义,指的是这两个国家的货币单位,相当于汉语的“块”、“元”。

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