

Paying Back A Thousand Pieces of Gold for a Simple Meal


  To reward someone handsomely for a small favor done in the past.


  Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty had a commander-in-chief named Han Xin, who had been orphaned at an early age and, as a result, had been reduced to begging.

  One day, as he was trying to catch fish in a river, an old woman came upon him. Seeing that Han Xin was so thin and pale, the old woman shared her paltry meal with him. She continued to do this for a few days, and the grateful Han Yin said to her: "You have been so kind to me, that I am determined to pay you back some day." But the other only replied, "Never mind about paying me back. It will be reward enough for me if you simply learn how to feed yourself and not have to rely on others." Han Xin flushed at these words, and there and then determined to build a career for himself. He diligently studied the martial arts, and in time became a renowned fighter.

  One day a local ruffian ran across Han Xin in the street and challenged him to a duel. Han Xin, knowing fully well that he could dispatch the braggart easily with his sword, was nevertheless reluctant to become involved in such pointless bloodletting in case it hindered his future career. The bully, sensing Han Xin's hesitation, said, "If you are afraid to fight me, crawl under my legs, and then I will let you live." Han Xin had no alternative but to humble himself.

  Later, Han Xin became a follower of Liu Bang, whom he helped to establish the Han Dynasty by defeating his most powerful opponent, Xiang Yu.

  Han Xin was given the grand title of King of Chu. Returning to his hometown in triumph he sent people to find the old woman who had shared her paltry food with him when he was destitute. To her he gave 1,000 pieces of gold. The local tough who had insulted Han Xin, however, shivered with fear. But when he was brought before Han Xin the latter merely patted him on the shoulder and said to his generals: "When this man insulted me he did so in order to spur me on to make harder efforts. So he actually did me a favor." Thereupon, he had the man installed in a high official position.









  韩信被封为楚王,回到了故乡,派人去找给他饭吃的老婆婆。韩信见了老婆婆,向她再三道谢,并送给她一千两黄金。曾经侮辱过韩信的那个恶少却吓得直打哆嗦,韩信用手拍着他的肩膀笑着说:“你不必害怕,过去的事算了。”又对左右的将士说:“这位将士从前羞辱过我,其实是激励我上进啊!让他做个中尉吧!”韩信念念不忘曾经帮助过自己的人,对曾欺负过自己的人,也没有报。 相反,加以原谅和提拔。他这种气度,是值得敬佩的。

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