

Preface to Mondlango [中英互译] by Oscar Mifsud

There is no doubt that most people agree that the Language Barrier exists. It is also certain that again most people agree that one or perhaps the best solution to the problem is a Common Language for the World. Such a language must necessarily be an artificial one, for no existing National language can really pretend to be sufficiently suitable for the purpose. Further, no Nation can afford to modify its native language enough to accommodate the rest of the world.

The perfect World Language must have at least five qualities which are absolutely necessary to help people learn a new language easily and quickly.

a) The alphabet must be simple, without strange characters and without accents for simplicity and with the computer in mind. b) Each letter in the alphabet must have one and only one clear sound to avoid confusion; and every single letter must be pronounced. c) This (b) makes the language 100% phonetic, which is also another must. This makes it easy to read and write as well as pronounce correctly every time. d) The grammar must be as simple as possible, and without exceptions. e) It must have an easy and simple way of economizing on vocabulary to enable the student to learn it more quickly f) The above five qualities must ALL be present.

The qualities mentioned above for a perfect World Language immediately rule out as unsuitable any and every existing National language for the simple reason that no National language can be changed or even modified. And that makes it necessary to use an artificial, made for the purpose language, which will naturally favor no Nation in particular. No one is expected to abandon his/her own native tongue; but every one is encouraged to next learn this proposed new World Language.

Several attempts have been made in the past; but the only survivor has been Esperanto, which has all the above qualities except that:a)it has some unpopular accents,b) it does not use the letters q, w, x, and y.

In July 2002, a small Chinese team led by HeYafu came up with a new solution to the language problem. To begin with, they recognized two basic facts. One, Esperanto has great merit. Two, Practically all Nations are trying to learn English. Now this beautiful and very rich language happens to have absolutely none of the above-mentioned qualities to recommend it as a perfect World Language; and yet it is spreading like wild fire throughout the world. So, in my opinion, it was very clever to fuse these two important facts into one, using English for many word roots and phoneticizing them as far as possible, and Esperanto for all its wonderful qualities, eliminating at the same time the two shortcomings mentioned above. In this way the student has the best of both worlds. He is learning a useful World Language and at the same time he is preparing to learn English as well, thus hitting two birds with one stone in the shortest possible time and with as little effort as possible.

This New Language was originally named Ulango (U for Universal, and lango for Language)。 However, as the pronunciation of U presents a problem, the team accepted to change it to Mondlango, pure and simple. Thousands of Chinese people are already learning it. This new language, like a new born babe is naturally not perfect, but in time it is bound to grow and mature into the New World Language it deserves to be MONDLANGO.



毫无疑问,大多数人承认语言的障碍是存在的 .同时也希望有一个在全世界共通的国际语。的办法是为全世界所接受的共同语言,这个语言必须是一个人造的语言,因为现存的所有民族语均不能胜任。并且,没有任何一种民族语能够承担得起为了适应别的民族的需要而改革本族语。

完善的世界语言应当至少有五个特点,这对于人们快速和容易地掌握这门语言是必不可少的:a ) 字母表一定要简单,没有奇怪的字符,以便于电脑输入 .

b ) 每个字母必须要遵循“一音一符” “一符一音”的原则 ,并且每个字母都要发音。

c ) 它必须易读、易写,见字便能正确发音 .

d ) 语法简便易懂 ,没有规则外的冗赘 .

e ) 必须有一种容易和简明的构词法,以便于学员尽快掌握它 .

f ) 以上五条均须具备 .


过去,人们为此作了许多努力,但只有世界语 (Esperanto)存活下来。它有上述的几个特点,然而它有两个缺点:

a ) 它有一些不受欢迎的带有帽子的字母;b ) 它不使用q 、w、 x 、y这几个字母。

2002年7月,由何亚福率领一个中国小组寻找并解决了这个世界难题 .首先,他们认识到两个基本的事实 :第一、世界语有很多优点。第二,实际上,几乎所有国家都试图学英语,现在,这个美丽而丰富的语言碰巧没有上述提到的任何优点,然而它却象野火一样在全世界广泛传播。因此,在我看来,把这两个基本事实融为一体是非常聪明的:大同语吸收了英语里的一些国际化的词根,继承了英语的二十六个字母 ,去掉了英语中的一些冗赘。同时,大同语吸收了世界语的语法精华,去掉了六个带小帽的怪字符。进行这样的创新以后,极大地减少了学习难度。当他们在学习大同语时,同时也助于学好英语。正所谓:一举两得。

这种新的语言最初被命名为Ulango(U代表普遍的,Lango代表语言)。然而,由于人们习惯于把U发成[ju]而不是[u]音,该组便接受提议把它易名为Mondlango, 简易且纯正,数以千计的中国人和世界人民已经开始学习并用它进行国际交流了。这种新的语言,如初生的婴儿一样,自然还不是十全十美的,但它一定会茁壮成长,成为名副其实的国际语言。

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