


As a regular traveller overseas, and having access to the major Western media, it pains me that many label Singapore freely as an authoritarian society, with freedom of speech and other attributes of democracy curtailed.

  They also single out our accomplished Senior Minister as a dictator who still rules the Republic with an iron fist, even though he had voluntarily relinquished his premiership years ago.

  Are these Western media being fair to Singapore, and are their views coloured by their own perceptions of what it ought to be in order to conform to the dominant Western value systems?

  Having had the benefit of reading, viewing and analysing their commentaries and reports on Singapore over the years, my view is that, with some exceptions, they have done our country grave injustice by deliberately distorting its image internationally because it steadfastly resists being dominated by them.

  They should be keenly aware that this little dot on the world map can never be a carbon copy of a Western society, given its different history, diverse cultural heritages, value systems and national goals.

  From its earlier obsession with political and economic survival to its hard-earned First World status, Singapore leaders and people are increasingly striving to ensure that it remains an open society, in which the citizenry has a voice in good governance and that more avenues are available to debate and seek redress on public policies adversely affecting them.

  Sadly, the Western media choose to ignore these, and continue to place the Republic unjustifiably in the company of the truly authoritarian regimes elsewhere.

  What they like to see happening here is the virtual unfettered prerogative of the media to ridicule, condemn or even defame its leaders under the banner of fostering more open debate, as epitomised in the United States,and which Singapore and many other countries will not accept.

  Why do they relish picking on Singapore? The reasons are manifold but, I believe, the following are relevant.

  First, it has always stood up to its principles when confronted with strong pressures from the West to deviate from them.

  The Michael Fay episode is an example. While the caning punishment meted out to this young delinquent by the court was applauded by many Americans, some media there, nonetheless, called it barbaric and compared it with the inhuman treatment of black American slaves by the white American plantation owners.

  Second, several world-renowned Western media, over the years, had to apologise to Singapore leaders and pay heavy damages for falsely libelling them, the most recent being Bloomberg News. They can‘t forgive Singapore for such self-inflicted humiliation, and would look for fresh opportunities to humble it.

  Furthermore, our leaders, especially Mr Lee Kuan Yew, had on numerous occasions spoken up against aspects of Western policies or values as pitfalls to avoid. His strong advocacy on upholding certain time-tested Asian values, as being superior to those of the West, further alienated him to their media.

  Rudyard Kipling, a sagacious British writer, once commented: “Nothing is more fallacious than to judge the East by the yardsticks of the West.”

  However, many Western journalists are convinced that Western notions of democracy, including their interpretations of human rights, are universally applicable and seek to impose these worldwide.

  These have not found favour with most non Western nations. For example, the US-initiated annual UN resolution condemning China for its human rights record has been rejected repeatedly by the majority of the member countries, including some from the West.

  Whether the Western media will ever modify its biased views on Singapore, only time will tell.

  (The writer is a retired lawyer)
















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