


For Singaporeans who are used to viewing things here and even overseas from a Singaporean perspective, it is strange that when it comes to our own history, they will see it through Western (mainly British) eyes.

  How long is our history? The “standard answer” is more than 100 years. And the “standard answer” to when our history begins is: From the day Sir Stamford Raffles set foot on the island in 1819. Does it mean then that the island has no history prior to the arrival of Stamford Raffles? How ridiculous!

  Not surprisingly, history textbooks written by the British for us during the colonial times chose an angle to give prominence to their achievements. They also tried to give the impression that Singapore‘s history began only after the arrival of the British and it was the British who give the island its lifeline and subsequent progress and prosperity.

  The intention here is not to write off the contributions of Stamford Raffles and the British in developing the island, but to make the point that this account of our history is incomplete.

  How did Stamford Raffles gain control of the island? This is a critical question in our history that not many have bothered themselves with. For a long time, we had danced to the British tune and sung the praises of the colonial master.

  Books published by the British all tell of how Stamford Raffles “took Singapore by strategy”, but probe further and we will find that there is another account of what happened. This version has it that Stamford Raffles got himself involved in the palace struggles of the Johore-Rhio Sultanate. He backed Crown Prince Tungku Long as the Sultan and then got him to sign a deal with Britain to cede the island to the British permanently.

  Tungku Long who later became Sultan Hussein, was still living in Rhio in 1819. It was Stamford Raffles who brought him to Singapore to be installed as the Sultan and the British even built a palace for him in Kampong Glam. Singaporeans who are ignorant of this part of our history will no doubt wonder why there was previously a palace in Kampong Glam.

  The documentation of history in feudal China adhered closely to a stubborn tradition of not telling the truth about people in authority, especially the emperor and high-ranking officials, for fear of incurring their wrath. As a result, only their merits were recorded but not their faults and the truth became hard to establish.

  This poses a major problem now for the study of the history of ancient China for historians. We are no longer living in a feudal society; do we need to cling on to this tradition?

  We should not deny Stamford Raffles the credit of having the foresight to recognise Singapore‘s advantageous geographical location and playing a role in the growth of the island. But there was no question that he did everything in the interests of the British empire. Had there been any conflict of interests between Singapore and Britain, he would never have done anything at the expense of the latter.

  Records of Britain‘s days as a colonial master penned by the British often make no mention either of the history of blood and tears of Chinese indentured labourers or the sad and miserable life of Indian workers (prisoners in India brought to Singapore by the British to perform hard labour) and their contributions to public works in Singapore.

  The processing and trading of opium here in the early years and widespread corruption in the 50s were also ugly sides of the society duing the British rule. For younger generations of Singaporeans to have a good grasp of our history and appreciate the progress that we have made over the years, all these should be objectively and accurately captured in our school textbooks.

  The British who governed Singapore for more than a hundred years must have done quite a few things that they could not be proud of. While they have reasons to avoid mentioning them, we should see them as part of our history.

  If we give the British rule undue recognition and praises and do not bring its ugly sides to light, young Singaporeans may well wonder: “If the colonial rule was so desirable, why did we fight to put an end to it?”

  (The writer is an Executive Sub-editor of Lianhe Zaobao. Translated by Yap Gee Poh.)
















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