



  When my son was born, I imagined how I would teach him about life. Little did I know that he would be the teacher. He taught me:

  1. To use positive words
  One evening at the dinner table my son said, “Dad this food is disgusting.” I thought - where did that word come from? Another time while I was explaining the rules to a game he said, “Now that's just ridiculous.” A minute later he said, “this is stupid, I give up.” At that moment it dawned on me… He's getting this stuff from me. From now on I better choose my words carefully.

  2. To look for opportunity everywhere
  My son views the entire world and every new person, new object, or new event as an opportunity to learn something. When a new person walks in the room he wants to know who they are and if they would like to play. If I drop a new object into a cluttered room, he will spot it, touch it, pick it up, ask questions about it. Nothing new goes unnoticed.

  3. A new synonym for persistence
  Santa Claus brought my son a white board and a set of dry erase makers for Christmas (can you tell I'm in IT). My son learned to write very early. He spent months obsessed with writing letters on the white board. One day I looked at the board while he was writing and I saw this combination of capital letters - SHHANDSHOWBO. He also knows how to sound out words, so I asked him what it was. He said, “It's a word I made up - Sha-hand-show-bo.” I asked, “What does it mean?” He said, “To keep trying even when it's hard.” Now when I get frustrated I think - Sha-hand-show-bo.
  圣诞老人送给我们儿子一块白板和一套橡皮擦作为圣诞礼物。我儿子很早就学会拼写了,有好几个月他每天都趴在白板上写字母。有一天他正在白板上涂涂写写的时候,我凑过去一瞧,发现他在白板上写了一列大写字母:SHAHANDSHOWBO,而且他还知道怎么读出这个"词".于是我问他这个词是什么意思,我儿子很"认真"地回答说,"当事情很难时,你还是能坚持努力。"现在,每当我感到沮丧时,我总会想起这个词"sha-hand-show- bo".

  4. To ask big questions
  A few weeks ago our cat was dying. So I explained death to my son and told him our cat was going to heaven. I was amazed that he grasped the permanence of death. Like the other members of my family he was very sad for several days. Then he asked, “Dad, how do you get to heaven?” I said,“Well everyone goes there when they die.” He said, “No I mean, how do you get there? Do go out the door and get in the car? Do you take a rocket?” I had to admit to him that I didn't know how you get to heaven, I just believe in it. A few days latter he asked, “If God made me, who made God?” Good question. I haven't thought about that one in years.
  几个星期前,我家的猫快死了,于是我向儿子解释什么是死亡,并告诉他说我们的猫猫快要去天堂了。我非常惊讶地发现他竟然很快就能感知死亡是怎么一回事,和家里其他成员一样,他为此伤心了好几天。后来他问我:"爸爸,你怎样才能去天堂?"我说:"当人们死的时候,他们就去了天堂。"我儿子说:"我不是说这个,我是说你怎样才能到达那里?你是走过去还是搭车去,或者你是搭火箭去?"我听了忍俊不禁,我不得不向他承认我确实并不知道怎样才能去天堂,我只是相信有天堂这回事。又过了一些天,他又问 "如果上帝创造了我,那谁创造了上帝呢?"这确实是个好问题,多少年我不曾想到这个问题。

  5. To accept mistakes
  Watching my son grow and learn, it became clear that all learning is based on trying something new, making a mistake, adjusting your actions, trying again, repeating until you get the results you desire. That is how he learned to walk, speak, read, write, build lego walls, set up train tracks, jump, run, and pedal. I can't think of one thing he did right the first time. It is a good thing he has an abundance of sha-hand-show-bo.
  看着儿子不断地学习和成长,我深刻体会到所有的学习都基于不断地尝试新事物,犯错,修正行为,继续尝试,重复直至获得理想的结果。我儿子就是通过这样学习走路,讲话,读书,写字,筑墙(垒高拼装玩具),拼接火车轨道(玩具),跳跃,奔跑以及骑单车。我想不到有任何一件事情他第一次就可以做对,但他有足够的sha-hand-show- bo,这的确是一件好事。

  6. To pay attention to little details
  When my son was 2, he was pointing in a box and saying, “ate, ate, ate, ate.” I said no you don't want to eat the box. He said, “no, ate, ate, ate.” I looked in the box and it was empty. I looked at him puzzled. He stuck his face in the box and said, “ate, ate.” I looked again closely. On the bottom of the box, in the corner, printed in a small font was the number 8. He sees things I don't see, because he pays attention to little things everywhere, like the tiny red dot on the white sheetrock wall he called an “owie.”
  在我儿子两岁的时候,他指着一个盒子说:"ate,ate,ate."(译者注:跟英语8以及吃的过去式发音一样),我跟他说盒子里并没有他想吃的东西,但他仍旧说:"不, ate,ate,ate."我又看了看盒子,里面确实空无一物啊,我非常疑惑地看着他,他将头探入盒子并继续说着:"ate,ate,ate".于是我再次仔细地检查这个盒子,终于发现原来在这个盒子底部边角的地方印着一个小字号的"8"字。他能看到我没有看到的东西,因为他对周围的事物都能投以关注的目光。例如他能留意到小石膏灰胶夹板上的小红点并把这些小红点叫做"owie".

  7. To stop complaining
  Recently my son went through a phase where he complained about everything. His food was too hot, playtime was too short, he didn't want to go to pre-school, everything was “too hard.” This experience forced me to think and come up with a plan to help my son through this phase. I developed some techniques to help him stop complaining. His phase taught me how irritating it is to listen to complaints without solutions. His complaining taught me to listen to myself when I start to gripe and realize complaining isn't going to get me the results I desire. It is one thing to identify something uncomfortable or painful you wish to change, and another to sit and complain about it and do nothing. Solutions provide value - gripes sap energy. Besides, how can I expect my son to stop complaining, if I complain - see #8.

  8. To strive for consistency
  If I am inconsistent with my expectations and actions my son won't understand what I expect. For example, if I tell him I won't allow him to jump on the furniture and then let him do it occasionally; he becomes confused and jumps on the furniture trying to understand his limits. The consequences for jumping on the couch are random and he never understands my expectations. If I let his little brother jump on the couch, rest assured, he will say “you let him jump on the couch. Why can't I jump on the couch?” and I won't have a meaningful answer. Since I have seen inconsistency lead to chaos with my 4-year-old, I now believe it will lead to chaos in every area of my life.
  如果我对儿子的期望跟我后来的言行不一致,我儿子就会弄不清楚我究竟期望他怎样做。举个例子,我曾经告诉他我不允许他在家具上跳,然而我后来又偶尔让他在家具上跳一跳。于是他渐渐变得困惑,有时候他想知道自己到底能跳多高他就会在家具上跳起来,而且他从不知道我对他有怎样的期望。如果我又让他的小哥哥在沙发上跳,他就会问:"你让哥哥在沙发上跳,我为什么不可以?"而这时候我通常找不到一个有说服力的理由来回答他。自从我了解到自己的前后不一致给4 岁儿子带来的困惑,我也开始相信这种不一致也会给我生活的其他领域带来混乱。

  9. How to build a maze with random items in the garage

  10. To experiment
  My son learns everything by experimenting. He learn the rules of the house by experimenting. He must ask questions in his mind at some level - like what will happen if I flick this spoonful of mash potatoes at my little brother? or how will mom react if I eat this bug? Now I'm not recommending that you or anyone else start flicking food at each other or start eating insects just to find out what happens. What I am suggesting is that my son illustrates how we learn. We learn by experimenting. Never stop experimenting.

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