

I'm bedridden.
  其实要彻底对抗病魔,我们身体的抵抗力才是最重要的,所以医生常吩咐病人要多休息,让身体自然恢复,如果你身体虚弱需要卧床休息,英文可以说:I'm bedridden (我要卧病在床),也有别的说法,例如:I'm confined to my bed (我要限制在床上)/ I'm immobile (我行动不便)/ I'm too weak to get out of bed(我太虚弱不能起床) 。
  对 话   Rita: Come on, get up. It's time to rise and shine.
  Noel: I have to stay where I am. From now on I'm bed-ridden. I'm under doctor's orders.
  Rita: I'm sorry, I had no idea that you were so ill.
  Noel: I'm not ill at all, I feel fine. The doctor said that with my personality I had better keep out of the way of people as somebody was bound to do me harm. Pass me the remote would you? Any chance of some breakfast in bed?
  Rita: The doctor was right and after I've finished with you, you'll need to see him again and for a real injury this time.
  莉达:起床吧,是起床的时候了!   诺尔:我要留在这里,从现在开始我要遵循医生吩咐卧床休息。
  莉达叫诺尔起床:It's time to rise and shine。诺尔却赖在床上说:I'm bedridden。Rise and shine直译是‘起来照耀’,取旭日东升景象为言。这成语常用来叫人起床,有戏谑意味。另一类似说法是wakey wakey(醒来吧),例如:Rise and shine/Wakey wakey, boys, or you'll be late for school(孩子们,快起床,否则上学要迟到了)。
  Bedridden是‘(因病或老弱)?在床上的’,多用来说长期卧病,例如:My aunt was bedridden for many years before she died(我姑母去世前多年,一直病榻缠绵)。A bedridden apoplectic即‘缠绵病榻的中风者’。Confined(限制、关闭)to bed和laid up也都可以指‘卧病在床,但没有‘长期卧病’含义,例如:(1) A cold confined him to bed for a few days(他患了感冒,在床上躺了几天)。(2) He was laid up with a fever(他发烧,病卧床上)。
  莉达见诺尔懒洋洋躺在床上,不禁怒道:After I've finished with you, you'll need to see the doctor。这当然有恐吓意味。To have finished with someone或to be finished with someone是说‘和某人谈话完毕’、‘处理某人完毕’等,往往用来说‘整治完某人’或‘教训完某人’,例如:When I was/had finished with her, she broke down in tears(她被我教训一顿之后,忍不住哭起来)。莉达那一句是说:‘我揍完你之后,你就要去找医生了!’

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