


safe register 保险箱登记册

  San Uk Ling Holding Centre 新屋岭拘留中心

  San Yick Closed Centre 新益禁闭中心

  San Yick Refugee Centre 新益难民中心

  satisfactory address 妥当地址

  scheduled offence 表列罪行

  school document 学校证明文件

  scientific test 科学测试

  screen in as refugee 甄别为难民

  screen out as non-refugee 甄别为非难民

  screening 甄别

  screening procedure 甄别程序

  screening system 甄别制度

  seal 印章

  seaman's book 海员身分证

  seaman's certificate of nationality and identity 海员国籍及身分证明书

  seaman's discharge book 海员辞职证书

  seaman's identity book 海员身分证

  search 翻查

  search of marriage records 翻查结婚记录

  search of records 记录查册;查册手续

  searching officer 搜查员

  security clearance 保安查核

  security design 防伪设计

  security feature 防伪标记

  security objection 以保安理由拒绝入境

  security pattern 防伪图案

  security stamp 防伪印章

  seizure 扣押

  Sensitive Service Class [British Nationality Selection Scheme] 敏感工作类别〔英国国籍甄选计划〕

  separate confinement 隔离拘禁;隔离囚禁

  separate household unit 独立家居单位

  Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance [Cap. 16] 《分居令及赡养令条例》〔第16章〕

  separation order 分居令

  service centre 服务中心

  service charge 服务收费

  serviceman 军人

  settle 定居

  settled status 定居身分

  settlement 定居

  Seventh Meeting of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Indo-Chinese Refugees 印支难民国际会议第七届督导委员会会议

  Sha Tau Kok Control Point 沙头角管制站

  Sha Tin Marriage Registry 沙田婚姻登记处

  Sham Shui Po Refugee Centre 深水难民中心

  Shek Kwu Chau Detention Centre 石鼓洲羁留中心

  Shenzhen Joint Inspection Station 深圳联检大楼

  ship-rescued case 海上获救个案

  ship's paper 船只文件

  shortened form of birth certificate 简略格式的出生证明书

  sick bay 护理室

  signed register form 经签署登记表格

  single child privilege card [China] 独生子女证〔中国〕

  single entry clearance 单程入境批准

  single visit visa 单程旅游签证

  snakehead "蛇头"

  sneak by boat "屈蛇"

  social visit 探亲观光

  sovereign state 主权国

  sovereignty 主权

  special cell 特别囚室

  special closed centre 特别禁闭中心

  Special Duties Sub-division [Immigration Department] 特别职务分科〔入境事务处〕

  special grounds 特殊理由

  special interest index 特别值得注意人物索引

  special licence 特别许可证

  special register 特设登记册

  special register of births 特设出生登记册

  special register of deaths 特设死亡登记册

  special voucher system 特别入境证办法

  sponsor 保证人

  sponsor's certificate 保证人证明书

  sponsor's financial standing 保证人的经济证明

  sponsorship form 保证书;保证人表格

  spouse of a citizen 公民配偶

  stamp 印章;印戳

  state functionary 国家工作人员

  stateless 无国籍

  stateless alien resident of Hong Kong 无国籍侨居本港的外国人

  stateless person 无国籍人士

  statement 陈述;声明

  statement of applicant's family background 申请人家庭状况申报书

  statement of sponsor's family background 保证人家庭状况申报书

  statement of travel records 出入境记录证明

  statement of understanding 协议声明书;谅解协议

  status 身分

  status determination process 审定身分程序

  statutory declaration 法定声明;宣誓书;宣誓纸;"律师纸"

  stay 暂住;逗留;居留

  still born 非活产

  stop order 禁止离境令

  student visa 学生签证

  submit 呈报

  Sub-office in Hong Kong, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 联合国难民事务高级专员署香港办事署

  sub-quota [one-way exit permit] 分额〔单程通行证〕

  sub-registry 分区登记处

  summons to claimant on application for forfeiture 接获没收申请书后向申索人发出的传票

  superintendent [detention centre] 监督〔羁留中心〕

  supervision order 监管令

  supporting document 证明文件

  suspected offence 涉嫌罪行

  tag 号码卡;筹;筹号

  tag and quota system 派筹及配额制度

  Tai A Chau Detention Centre 大鸦洲羁留中心

  Taiwan Entry Permit 入台证

  Taiwan Exit Permit 台湾出境证

  Taiwan Group Visitors Registration Counter 台湾团体旅客登记处

  Taiwan visit permit 台湾来港旅游入境许可证

  Task Force [Immigration Department] 特遣队〔入境事务处〕

  telephone appointment booking system [Immigration Department] 电话预约系统〔入境事务处〕

  telephone enquiry service [Immigration Department] 电话查询服务〔入境事务处〕

  temporary identity card 临时身分证

  temporary leave card [Vietnamese refugee] 暂离证〔越南难民〕

  temporary permit [commonly known as "going-out pass"] 暂准证〔俗称"行街纸"〕

  temporary resident 临时居民

  Temporary Vietnamese Interpreter [TVI] 临时越南语传译员

  terminal building [control point] 大楼〔管制站〕

  territory 领土

  third country 第三国家

  three asterisks 三星标记

  "three letters and six rites" 三书六礼

  "touch base" policy "抵垒"政策

  tourist 游客

  Traffic Index System 出入境统计系统

  traffic regulator 排队指导员

  training visa 培训签证

  transfer 移转;转让

  transfer endorsement 移转签注

  transfer of identity card 转让身分证

  transit centre 转解中心;临时收容中心

  transit lounge 过境处;转机处

  transit procedure 过境手续;转机手续

  transit visa 过境签证

  transitional provisions in respect of Immigration (Amendment) Ordinance 1997 关于《1997年人民入境(修订)条例》的过渡性条文

  transmissible by descent 可凭世系传给下一代

  transmission of citizenship 传交公民身分

  transmit certificate 送交证书

  travel document 旅行证件

  Travel Documents (Application) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(申请)组〔入境事务处〕

  Travel Documents (Issue) Section [Immigration Department] 旅行证件(签发)组〔入境事务处〕

  travel pass 旅游通行证

  Travel Pass Pilot Scheme 旅游通行证试验计划

  Travel Record and Immigration Control Enforcement System [TRAICES] 出入境记录及管制系统

  Travel Record Indexing System 出入境记录系统

  true extract 真确摘录

  trust territory 托管地

  Tsim Sha Tsui Marriage Registry 尖沙咀婚姻登记处

  Tuen Mun (Bowring) Refugee Centre 屯门(虎地)难民中心

  Tuen Mun Closed Centre 屯门禁闭中心

  Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage 入境船只屯门碇泊处

  two-way exit permit holder's information sheet 双程通行证持有人资料申报表

  unaccompanied minor 非与父母同行的未成年人

  unauthorized entrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者

  unauthorized immigrant 未获授权进境者;擅自入境者

  uncertain nationality 国籍不明

  unconditional stay 无条件限制逗留

  undesirable immigrant 不受欢迎入境者

  union of concubinage 夫妾关系

  United Kingdom belonger 联合王国本土人

  United Kingdom consular official 联合王国领事官员

  United Kingdom passport 联合王国护照

  United Nations Conference on Vietnamese Boat People 联合国越南船民会议

  United Nations Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status 《联合国审定难民身分程序及准则手册》

  United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees [UNHCR] 联合国难民事务高级专员署

  unlawful employment 非法雇用

  unlawfully altered document 非法改动的文件

  unreferred visit visa 免转达旅游签证

  unrestricted British passport 不受限制的英国护照

  urgent travel 急需前往外地

  US/Vietnam bilateral programme 美越双边计划

  vaccination certificate 种痘证明书;"痘纸"

  valid documentation 有效证件

  valid marriage 有效婚姻

  valid travel document 有效旅行证件

  validated marriage 认可婚姻

  validity 有效期

  validity of marriage 婚姻的效力

  vehicular control point 车辆管制站

  verification 核对

  vetting of visa applications 审核签证申请

  Victoria Immigration Centre 域多利中心

  Vietnamese migrant [VM] 越南船民

  Vietnamese refugee card 越南难民证

  Vietnamese refugee of Chinese origin 华裔越南难民

  vigilante team [self-defence squad] 自队

  visa 签证

  visa abolition agreement 互免签证协定

  visa application for the United Kingdom 联合王国入境签证申请书

  visa application interview form 申请签证的面晤表格

  visa authorizing letter 签证授权书

  Visa Control (Administration) Division [Immigration Department] 签证管制(行政)科〔入境事务处〕

  Visa Control (Operations) Division [Immigration Department] 签证管制(执行)科〔入境事务处〕

  visa endorsement 签证

  visa of the same class 同级签证

  Visa Section [British Consulate-General Hong Kong] 签证部〔英国驻港总领事馆〕

  visa waiver arrangement 豁免签证安排

  visa-free access 免签证入境

  visa-free entry 免签证入境

  visa-issuing authority 签证机关

  visit 旅游

  visit permit 旅游许可证

  visit visa 旅游签证

  visiting justice 巡视中心太平绅士;巡视羁留中心的太平绅士

  visitor 访客;旅客

  visitor clearance hall 外国访客入境大堂

  visitor's permit 旅游许可证

  visitor's permit for resident of Macau 澳门居民来港旅游许可证

  void marriage 无效婚姻

  voidable marriage 可使无效的婚姻

  voluntary departure 自愿离境

  voluntary repatriation 自愿遣返

  Voluntary Repatriation Programme 自愿遣返计划

  Voluntary Repatriation Scheme 自愿遣返计划

  ward 受监护者

  warrant 手令

  warrant card 委任证

  warrant for detention 羁留令

  warrant for further detention 继续羁留令

  watch list control index 监察名单索引

  wedding ceremony 结婚典礼

  Western Immigration Anchorage 入境船只西面碇泊处

  Western Quarantine Anchorage 西面检疫碇泊处

  Whitehead Detention Centre 白石羁留中心

  wholly of Chinese race 纯粹为华人血统

  witness to search/visit of premises 屋宇搜查/访查证明

  work permit 工作许可证

  World Relief Organization 世界救援会

  written consent 同意书

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