

有这样一句话:陇海线在郑州与京广线接轨。不少人翻译成“The Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway is contacted to the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway at Zhengzhou.”,其实句子很简单,关键是“接轨”二字,正确的用法应该是“be connected to”而不是“be contacted to”。 “接轨”一词如今在生活中使用得越来越多,其第一个意思是“连接铁路”,可以翻译为“to link/connect the rails”。例如“The Qinghai-Tibet Railway was finally completed when rails were linked/connected at Lhasa on October 15, 2005.”(2005年10月15日青藏铁路在拉萨接轨,最终建成。)

  “接轨”第二个意思是“使宇航器在太空相互衔接”,即“对接”,英语可以翻译为“to link up with, to dock with/on, to be docked with/on”。例如“The space shuttle has linked up/docked with the international space station,”(这架航天飞机已经与国际空间站接轨。)

  它还有第三个意思即“使两种制度或方法相互衔接”,英语可翻译为"to link up with, to integrate, to be geared to, to switch over to".例如"The expert talked about how to make our statistical system link up with the international standards."(这位专家谈论到如何使我们的统计制度与国际标准接轨。)

  "With its entry into the WTO, China's domestic textile and textile machinery markets have integrated with the world market."(随着加入世贸组织,中国国内的纺织市场和纺织机械市场已经与国际市场接轨。)

  "A growing number of companies have adopted this new quality management system, which is geared to international standards."(越来越多的公司已经采用这个与国际标准接轨的新的质量管理体系。)

  "In order to solve these problems, we should switch over to international practices and accelerate the progress of internationalizayion."(为解决这些问题,我们应该与国际惯例接轨,并加速国际化进程。)

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